I currently do some testings on the multipage meeting workspace template to check whether it fit our needs to be the base template for our projects.
As you might know, a multipage meeting workspace is designed to be able to manage several dates within a single workspace and to display either pages that are only related to a certain date or pages that should appear on every date.
If you examine a multipage meeting workspace with SharePoint Designer you can see that there is a library which contains all the pages of the workspace. Pages that are displayed on every date are stored in the root folder, pages that are only displayed on single dates are stored in folders which are named with the according date.
So now we come to my problem. In order to set the permission for a single page that is displayed on each date, I iterate over the page library to find the page I want to change the permissions on. Strangely, the ListItemCollection of the library pretend to contain the number of pages I expected it to contain. But when I then iterate over the collection it only returns the pages that are attached to the actual date. Neither does it return the pages which should be displayed on every date nor the pages for the other dates.
I have already tried to get the pages by using SPSecruity.RunWithElevatedPrivilges() and with impersonation as the system account. I've also tried to get them via a command line application without using any context information. It seems as the behavior, that you can only get the items which are related to a certain date, is also followed by the object model.
So how could I get all pages of a multipages meeting workspace regardless of the actual date???