I use an __autoload() function that takes into account several different file naming conventions to provide backwards compatibility with previous developers.
It does a simple loop over each convention and checks to see if that file exists. If the file exists, then it loads it.
For my function, I do this for different file extensions, such as .inc, .class or .inc.php . You could do the same, but search for upper and lower first characters.
I would put this in the searchForClassFile() method, in the else part with the comment 'Found a file'.
EDIT (more information):
Rather than recursively descend into a class directory looking for the correct file, I map the class name to a specific location. This is a common practice. For example, foo_bar
is mapped to [CLASS_DIRECTORY]/foo/bar.[EXTENSION]
. In our case, we check several different extensions.
In your case, you have to make a design decision about how you want to search for the class file, but modifying your code:
} else {
// Found a file
if ($f == $className . self::$classFileSuffix ||
$f == strtolower($className) . self::classFileSuffix) {
return $subPath;
Instead of strtolower() you could write a function that only lowers the first character, or if using PHP > 5.3.0 (not officially released) use the lcfirst() function.