I am developing a custom component using JSF 1.2 . My tag class extends UIComponentELTag and has variables of data type ValueExpression. The values for these are getting set from the corresponding attributes of the tag. (Using setProperties function) Example,
<sr:show name="#{backingBean.name}" ...> #{backingBean.mainContent}</sr:show>
I am stuck when I try to get the bodyContent of the tag as a binding value. This is how far I have proceeded: This is the code in doAfterBody()
public int doAfterBody() throws JspException{ if(bodyContent!=null) { String body = bodyContent.getString(); FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); UIComponent component = super.findComponent(context); MyComp myComp= (MyComp) component; myComp.setMain(body); } bodyContent.clearBody(); return SKIP_BODY; }
If the body of the tag does not contain binding value, this code works fine. I want to check if the body has binding value and then set the value from the bean. In JSF 1.1, I checked this using isValueReference(body). How do I achieve this in JSF 1.2?
I could not find any examples of getting the body content as binding value anywhere. Please help me out.