Hello all,
I am hoping the regular expression experts can tell me why this is going wrong:
This regex:
$pattern = '/(?<percent>[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,2})% of (?<filesize>.+) at/';
Should match this sort of string:
[download] 87.1% of 4.40M at 107.90k/s ETA 00:05
[download] 89.0% of 4.40M at 107.88k/s ETA 00:04
[download] 91.4% of 4.40M at 106.09k/s ETA 00:03
[download] 92.9% of 4.40M at 105.55k/s ETA 00:03
Correct? Is there anything that could go wrong with that regex that will not get it to match with the above input? Full usage here:
$progress = fread($handle, 8192);
$pattern = '/(?<percent>[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,2})% of (?<filesize>.+) at/';
if(preg_match_all($pattern, $progress, $matches)){
Could how much that is being read by fread be effecting the regex to work correctly?
I really need confirmation as I am trying to identify why it isn't working on a new server. This question is related to Change in Server Permits script not to work. Can this be due to PHP.ini being different?
Thanks all
Update 2
I have made a test script to test the regex but even on its own it doesn't work??
echo 'Start';
$progress = "[download]75.1% of 4.40M at 115.10k/s ETA 00:09 [download] 77.2% of 4.40M at 112.36k/s ETA 00:09 [download] 78.6% of 4.40M at 111.41k/s ETA 00:08 [download] 80.3% of 4.40M at 110.80k/s ETA 00:07 [download] 82.3% of 4.40M at 110.30k/s ETA 00:07 [download] 84.3% of 4.40M at 108.33k/s ETA 00:06 [download] 85.7% of 4.40M at 107.62k/s ETA 00:05 [download] 87.5% of 4.40M at 107.21k/s ETA 00:05 [download] 89.5% of 4.40M at 105.10k/s ETA 00:04 [download] 90.7% of 4.40M at 106.45k/s ETA 00:03 [download] 93.2% of 4.40M at 104.92k/s ETA 00:02 [download] 94.8% of 4.40M at 104.40k/s ETA 00:02 [download] 96.5% of 4.40M at 102.47k/s ETA 00:01 [download] 97.7% of 4.40M at 103.48k/s ETA 00:01 [download] 100.0% of 4.40M at 103.15k/s ETA 00:00 [download] 100.0% of 4.40M at 103.16k/s ETA 00:00
$pattern = '/(?<percent>\d{1,3}\.\d{1,2})%\s+of\s+(?<filesize>[\d.]+[kBM]) at/';
if(preg_match_all($pattern, $progress, $matches)){
echo 'match';
echo '<br>Done<br>';