In your producer thread, you are likely to have some kind of main loop. This is probably the best place to interrupt your producer. Instead of using wait() and notify() I suggest you use the java synchronization objects introduced in java 5.
You could potentially do something like that
class Indexer {
Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();
public void index(){
// perform one indexing step
public Item lookup(){
// perform your lookup
You need to make sure that each time the indexer releases the lock, your index is in a consistent, legal state. In this scenario, when the indexer releases the lock, it leaves a chance for a new or waiting lookup() operation to take the lock, complete and release the lock, at which point your indexer can proceed to its next step. If no lookup() is currently waiting, then your indexer just reaquires the lock itself and goes on with its next operation.
If you think you might have more that one thread trying to do the lookup at the same time, you might want to have a look at the ReadWriteLock interface and ReentrantReadWriteLock implementation.
Of course this solution is the simple way to do it. It will block either one of the threads that doesn't have the lock. You may want to check if you can just synchronize on your data structure directly, but that might prove tricky since building indexes tends to use some sort of balanced tree or B-Tree or whatnot where node insertion is far from being trivial.
I suggest you first try that simple approach, then see if the way it behaves suits you. If it doesn't, you may either try breaking up the the indexing steps into smaller steps, or try synchronizing on only parts of your data structure.
Don't worry too much about the performance of locking, in java uncontended locking (when only one thread is trying to take the lock) is cheap. As long as most of your locking is uncontented, locking performance is nothing to be concerned about.