



What exactly is RESTful programming?

Don't give me links to wikipedia please, I'm hoping for a straight-forward answer, not some BUZZ-word-ful answer.

Bonus question: Should I feel stupid because I never heard about it outside SO?

+73  A: 

Really, what it's about is using the true potential of HTTP. The protocol is oriented around verbs and resources. The two verbs in mainstream usage is GET and POST, which I think everyone will recognize. However, the HTTP standard defines several other such as PUT and DELETE. These verbs are then applied to resources.

For example. Let's imagine that we have a user database that is managed by an web service. Using the non-restful approach it would probably look something like this:


A restful application would probably expose an API with a single base resource.


If you want to create a new user you simply send a POST request to that URL with the data you want to create. If you want to retrieve a user you send a GET request to /user/xxx. If you want to update a user you simply send the fields you want to update using a POST request to /user/xxx. If you want to delete it, you send a DELETE request instead.

An even more concrete example. In a RESTful application you'll never modify data using a GET request. This is what POST and DELETE is for. Most web applications do this all the time, though, and are therefore not RESTful.

There's an article called How I explained REST to my wife. As I recall, that's the first time I really got it. :)

You might also want to take a look at WebDAV which extends HTTP and adds even more verbs. Subversion uses this, for example.

Emil H
Nice article. I don't have a wife to try on her. :)
Mehrdad Afshari
So to sum up: RESTful is another buzz-word that popped out of the Web 2.0 erection - something that's already there but someone wanted to give a name? :)
No. REST didn't just pop up as another buzzword. It came about as a means of describing an alternative to SOAP-based data exchange. The term REST helps frame the discussion about how to transfer and access data.
Nonetheless, the heart of REST (in practical application) is "don't use GET to make changes, use POST/PUT/DELETE", which is advice I've been hearing (and following) since long before SOAP appeared. REST *has* always been there, it just didn't get a name beyond "the way to do it" until recently.
Dave Sherohman
Brief but excellent explanation. Thanks.
what is soap? lol
hasen j
Don't forget "Hypertext as the engine of application state".
Hank Gay
SOAP is another protocol for transfering data through HTTP. The SOAP-data is exchanged using a special XML schema, which, as all other XML-formats, produce heavy overhead. WebServices can be implemented using SOAP. Wikipidia got some nice info on SOAP :)
Wasn't PUT used to update a resource? The example uses POST to create and update, but does not use PUT.
Wes Oldenbeuving
@Dave Sherohman, that is not REST, that is simply using HTTP correctly.
The problem with REST is that browsers don't support PUT and DELETE, so you have to fake those methods using POST and hidden form parameters containing the method you'd love to use but can't.
@Rafe That's not a problem with REST, that is a problem with Web Browsers! Some of us use REST without Web Browsers:-)
Darrel Miller
+14  A: 

It's programming where the architecture of your system fits the REST style laid out by Roy Fielding in his thesis. Since this is the architectural style that describes the web (more or less), lots of people are interested in it.

Bonus answer: No. Unless you're studying software architecture as an academic or designing web services, there's really no reason to have heard the term.

Hank Gay
+1. This is the definitive answer.
Logan Capaldo
but not straight-forward .. makes it more complicated that it needs to be.
hasen j
It's a Ph.D. thesis. By it's nature, it will tend to favor exactness and completeness over accessibility to people who aren't approaching a Ph.D. within that specific field. To be honest, I'm shocked it isn't more esoteric.
Hank Gay
Also, even though the terms REST and RESTful are used almost exclusively in the realm of web applications right now, technically there's nothing tying REST to HTTP.
Hank Gay
Fielding's blog has some good, easier to comprehend articles on REST and common misconceptions:
+7  A: 

REST is using the various HTTP methods (mainly GET/PUT/DELETE) to manipulate data.

Rather than using a specific URL to delete a method (say, /user/123/delete), you would send a DELETE request to the /user/[id] URL, to edit a user, to retrieve info on a user you send a GET request to /user/[id]

For example, instead a set of URLs which might look like some of the following..

GET /delete_user.x?id=123
GET /user/delete
GET /new_user.x
GET /user/new
GET /user?id=1
GET /user/id/1

You use the HTTP "verbs" and have..

GET /user/2
DELETE /user/2
PUT /user
That's "using HTTP properly", which is not the same as "restful" (although it's related to it)
Julian Reschke
I could also use URLs likeGET /user/get/2GET /user/delete/2GET /user/putGET /user/post/2How are those URLs worse than REST? Actually I use something like this with PHP frameworks like Kohana and I see no reason for RESTful shit.
Vadim Ferderer
You could also use /user/del/2 and /user/remove/2 or... GET/DELETE/PUT/POST are just the standardised, "proper" way to do such things (and as Julian says, that's not all there is to REST)
Standardized things, that are not present in many places.
Vadim Ferderer
Sure, but that's no reason to avoid them.. REST just saves you reinventing the wheel each time. For an API, REST is great (consistency!), but for structuring a random website it doesn't really matter I'd say (it can be more hassle than it's worth)
Vadim, that would be simply RPC. It's also dangerous to use GET for modifying data since (among other reasons) a search engine may spider your deletion links and visit them all.
+6  A: 

I see a bunch of answers that say putting everything about user 123 at resource "/user/123" is RESTful.

Roy Fielding, who coined the term, says REST APIs must be hypertext-driven. In particular, "A REST API must not define fixed resource names or hierarchies".

So if your "/user/123" path is hardcoded on the client, it's not really RESTful. A good use of HTTP, maybe, maybe not. But not RESTful. It has to come from hypertext.

so .... how would that example be restful? how would you change the url to make it restful?
hasen j
Yes. But it might be "coming" from hypertext, right? Also, keep in mind that hypertext can mean much more than HTML links -- consider URI templates, for instance.
Julian Reschke
hasen: Using one resource for all operations might be *necessary* for RESTfulness, but isn't *sufficient*.
ok well .. could you explain further? What's the point of saying "no these guys are wrong .. I know what's right" without saying what you know (or think) to be right?
hasen j
I gave the link to Fielding's description. I thought I said exactly the relevant diff to the other responses: needs to be driven by hypertext. If "/user/123" comes from some out-of-band API documentation, then it's not RESTful. If it comes from a resource identifier in your hypertext, then it is.
What happens is: you PUT new user information to /user, the server processes your PUT and send you back a location for the new resource /user/123. Then in the future, you can retrieve the user information with GET /user/123
Or you can use an entry point like /users/ and it will give you a list of user resources AND the URI for each. Then resources are discoverable and navigation is hypertext-driven.
+14  A: 

IMHO (and I tend to be in the minority), RESTful programming is about:

  • resources being identified by a persistent identifier: URIs are the ubiquitous choice of identifier these days
  • resources being manipulated using a common set of verbs: HTTP methods are the commonly seen case - the venerable Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete becomes PUT, GET, POST, and DELETE
  • the actual representation retrieved for a resource is dependent on the request and not the identifier: use HTTP Accept headers to control whether you want XML, HTTP, or even a Java Object representing the resource
  • maintaining the state in the object and representing the state in the representation
  • representing the relationships between resources in the representation of the resource: the links between objects are embedded directly in the representation
  • resource representations describe how the representation can be used and under what circumstances it should be discarded/refetched in a consistent manner: usage of HTTP Cache-Control headers

The last one is probably the most important in terms of consequences and overall effectiveness of REST. Overall, most of the RESTful discussions seem to center on HTTP and its usage from a browser and what not. I understand that R. Fielding coined the term when he described the architecture and decisions that lead to HTTP. His thesis is more about the architecture and cache-ability of resources than it is about HTTP.

If you are really interested in what a RESTful architecture is and why it works, read his thesis a few times and read the whole thing not just Chapter 5! Next look into why DNS works. Read about the hierarchical organization of DNS and how referrals work. Then read and consider how DNS caching works. Finally, read the HTTP specifications (RFC2616 and RFC3040 in particular) and consider how and why the caching works the way that it does. Eventually, it will just click. The final revelation for me was when I saw the similarity between DNS and HTTP. After this, understanding why SOA and Message Passing Interfaces are scalable starts to click.

I think that the most important trick to understanding the architectural importance and performance implications of a RESTful and Shared Nothing architectures is to avoid getting hung up on the technology and implementation details. Concentrate on who owns resources, who is responsible for creating/maintaining them, etc. Then think about the representations, protocols, and technologies.

+4  A: 

I apologize if I'm not answering the question directly (I'm new to SO and don't have pts to comment), but it's easier to understand all this with more detailed examples. Fielding is not easy to understand due to all the abstraction and terminology.

There's a fairly good example here:

Explaining REST and Hypertext: Spam-E the Spam Cleaning Robot

And even better, there's a clean explanation with simple examples here (the powerpoint is more comprehensive, but you can get most of it in the html version): or

After reading the examples, I could see why Ken is saying that REST is hypertext-driven. I'm not actually sure that he's right though, because that /user/123 is a URI that points to a resource, and it's not clear to me that it's unRESTful just because the client knows about it "out-of-band."

That xfront document explains the difference between REST and SOAP, and this is really helpful too. When Fielding says, "That is RPC. It screams RPC.", it's clear that RPC is not RESTful, so it's useful to see the exact reasons for this. (SOAP is a type of RPC.)

+3  A: 

This is what it might look like:

POST /user

The server responds:

200 OK
Location: /user/123

In the future, you can then retrieve the user information:

GET /user/123

The server responds:

200 OK

To update:

PUT /user/123
+2  A: 

A great book on REST is REST in Practice. Slides for their jaoo tutorial pdf.

Must reads are Representational State Transfer (REST) and REST APIs must be hypertext-driven

See Martin Fowlers article the Richardson Maturity Model (RMM) for an explanation on what an RESTful service is.

Richardson Maturity Model

To be RESTful a Service needs to fulfill the Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State. (HATEOAS), that is, it needs to reach level 3 in the RMM, read the article for details or the slides from the qcon talk.

The HATEOAS constraint is an acronym for Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State. This principle is the key differentiator between a REST and most other forms of client server system.


A client of a RESTful application need only know a single fixed URL to access it. All future actions should be discoverable dynamically from hypermedia links included in the representations of the resources that are returned from that URL. Standardized media types are also expected to be understood by any client that might use a RESTful API.client that might use a RESTful API. (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

REST Litmus Test for Web Frameworks is a similar maturity test for web frameworks.

Approaching pure REST: Learning to love HATEOAS is a good collection of links.
