



Hello everyone! I recently found this site and thought I might try it out because it seemed very unique.

How can I compare two files in a batch file, and perform an action based on whether or not they match? I've tried something like:

if file1.txt NEQ file2.txt goto label

but it compares the actual string "file1.txt" rather than the file. I've read about the COMP command, but it doesn't seem to work if I put it in an if statement. Does anybody know how to do this? Sorry, but I rarely use batch files and have little experience in them.

Thanks in advance,

Cory Walker


It seems like the COMP program is actually fairly easy to use. See this question on Yahoo answers.

Note that running comp /? will print the help text for the program (as does specifying the /? argument with any native Windows command line program). This outputs the same text you see in the answer of the question linked above.

+3  A: 

I believe you can use the "FC" command and then check the errorlevel. Here's some code:

@echo off
fc c:\filename r:\filemame > nul
if errorlevel 1 goto error

echo insert next CD
goto main

echo failed check

(Pulled from
