There is a good book on wxPython, "wxPython in Action", which can't be said for some of the other solutions. No knock on the others. I've had success developing with wxPython in the past and it comes with a great set of demo applications with source code from which you can borrow liberally.
The best UI designer I found for wxPython applications is a commercial one, Anthemion DialogBlocks. It's by one of the wxPython programmers and is worth the money. Other solutions for UI design include wxGlade (I found it usable but not featureful) and Boa Constructor (haven't used it). Wing IDE might also have one. Stani's Python Editor bundles wxGlade, I believe. There are a lot of other projects that don't really work or are fairly old.
As far as SQL automation goes, as another answerer says, I'd look at SQL alchemy, but the learning curve for a small application might be too much and you'd be better off just going straight to odbc. The best odbc api is the one used by Django, pyodbc.
It's been a while since I developed with these tools, so there may be something newer for each, but at the time these were definitely the best of breed in my opinion.