I'm using an AJAX form to update an item to the database. When it gets done, it returns a partial view that re-lists all the items and displays them all in a table. The problem occurs when I have to add a modelstate error in my controller action. I don't want to return the list of items when there is a modelstate error because I want to show the user the error using the ValidationMessage. My thinking is that I could do something like this in my controller:
public ActionResult UpdateNewsItem(int newsID, string newsTitle, string newsDescription, string newsBeginningDate, string newsEndingDate)
List<Models.News> lstNewsItem = new List<News>();
//we need to grab the member so we can capture the user id
//for the corresponding news property
MembershipUser member = Membership.GetUser(User.Identity.Name);
//the news instance to use in case the viewdata is invalid
Models.News newsError = new Models.News();
//create the datetime objects
DateTime dtBeginningDate = DateTime.MinValue;
DateTime dtEndingDate = DateTime.MaxValue;
//the message we want to send whenever the user enters an invalid date
string strInvalidDateError = "Invalid date. Please use a format like '12/25/2008'";
//clean user input
newsTitle = Models.clsGlobals.CleanString(newsTitle);
newsDescription = Models.clsGlobals.CleanParagraph(newsDescription);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newsTitle))
newsError.Title = string.Empty;
ModelState.AddModelError("newsTitle", "You must enter a news title.");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newsDescription))
newsError.Description = string.Empty;
ModelState.AddModelError("newsDescription", "You must enter a news description.");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newsBeginningDate))
ModelState.AddModelError("newsBeginningDate", "You must enter a beginning date.");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newsEndingDate))
ModelState.AddModelError("newsEndingDate", "You must enter an ending date.");
//set the beginning date
dtBeginningDate = DateTime.Parse(newsBeginningDate);
newsError.BeginningDate = dtBeginningDate;
catch (FormatException)
ModelState.AddModelError("newsBeginningDate", strInvalidDateError);
//set the ending date
dtEndingDate = DateTime.Parse(newsEndingDate);
newsError.EndingDate = dtEndingDate;
catch (FormatException)
ModelState.AddModelError("newsEndingDate", strInvalidDateError);
//data is validated, so we can begin the update
if (ModelState.IsValid == true)
//use to perform actions on db
Models.NewsDataContext dcNews = new Models.NewsDataContext();
//fetch the items that match what the user requested to edit
lstNewsItem = this.GetNewsItem(newsID);
//set news properties
foreach (Models.News news in lstNewsItem)
news.UserId = (Guid)member.ProviderUserKey;
news.Title = newsTitle;
news.Description = newsDescription;
news.EntryDate = DateTime.Now;
news.BeginningDate = dtBeginningDate;
news.EndingDate = dtEndingDate;
//update the transaction
//update the news list
return PartialView("NewsList", this.GetNewsItems());
//just to make sure everything goes as planned,
// catch any unhandled exceptions
catch (Exception ex)
ModelState.AddModelError("_FORM", ex);
}//end catch
}//end if valid modelstate
//invalid modelstate, so repopulate the viewdata and
//send it back
//the list to hold the entries
List<Models.News> lstErrorNewsItems = new List<Models.News>();
//set the remaining error properties
newsError.UserId = (Guid)member.ProviderUserKey;
newsError.NewsID = newsID;
newsError.EntryDate = DateTime.Now;
//add the item--there will only be one
//but the view is expecting a list so we will
//treat it like one
return PartialView("EditNews", lstErrorNewsItems);
}//end actionresult
The problem is that when a modelstate error occurs, the modelstate viewdata isn't returned. I suspect it's possibly because I'm not specifying an update target id. But I can't set another updatetargetid because I already have one. Any ideas?