



Is stack overflow uisng for login in using different services. If so is it good, and does it have good (preferable free, preferable with PHP api) alternatives.

What I'm looking for is a login page wich would allow users to login using major web open-id providers + facebook connect.


i remember signing up for RPX and being able to easily find a PHP example on their site.

Also, I don't believe stack overflow uses that, but i could be wrong

Roy Rico
+2  A: 

No, StackOverflow does not use RPXNow. And if you choose to use it be careful to avoid its pitfalls.

I suggest you just accept OpenID, which covers many, many Providers (who uses Facebook but doesn't use one of Google, Yahoo, and (soon) Microsoft?). Besides, I expect as an OpenID supporter, Facebook will eventually become an OpenID Provider too. So I suggest you save yourself the trouble and just support OpenID using one of the PHP OpenID libraries since that is your language.

Andrew Arnott
Interesting article on the pitfalls. To me it's totally worth it...asking users to type in their OpenID url is a usability disaster (my parents don't even know what OpenID is, even myself a self-proclaimed geek couldn't tell you what my open ID url is). Developing your own UI for that would be time consuming. RPXNow provides a great service to startups I think.
Brian Armstrong
I agree developing the optimal user-friendly login UI is very time consuming, and there is value is having a uniform UI that users recognize. That's why I'm building a free one that can be hosted by each RP themselves: Check it out and let me know what you think.
Andrew Arnott

For completeness, is very similar to RPXNow. However, it also has it's detractors.

Jon Winstanley