I am trying to build the documentation for my application using Sandcastle Help File Builder. I added the Msdn cache component to the .shfbproj file as follows:
<ComponentConfig id="Cached MSDN URL References" enabled="True" xmlns="">
<component id="Cached MSDN URL References" type="SandcastleBuilder.Components.CachedResolveReferenceLinksComponent" assembly="{@SHFBFolder}SandcastleBuilder.Components.dll" locale="{@Locale}" linkTarget="{@SdkLinkTarget}">
<cache filename="$(MsdnCachePath)" />
<targets base="{@SandcastlePath}Data\Reflection" recurse="true" files="*.xml" type="{@SDKLinks}" />
<targets files="reflection.xml" type="{@ProjectLinks}" />
The value of the $(MsdnCachePath) property is:
The problem is that this cache file is not being created in this location after the help file has been generated. Any ideas why this would not be happening?