



Hi, In my WPF project there is a listbox in which I have to display images and next to each image their text (for example : date the photo was taken, location etc). I have tried creating a generic List but I still can't assign it to the listbox

Something like

Bscially I have been trying something on this lines.

public class LoadImages
    public static List<ImageLoader> LoadImages()
        List<ImageLoader> img = new List<ImageLoader>();

        Uri uri = new Uri(@"", UriKind.Absolute);
        BitmapImage bi = new BitmapImage(uri);

        img.Add(new ImageLoader("1_1",bi));

        return img;            

public class ImageLoader
    string mediaid;
    BitmapImage thumbnail;

    public ImageLoader(string mediaid, BitmapImage b)
        this.mediaid = mediaid;
        this.thumbnail = b;

And my XAML looks like this.

        <ListBox Name="ListBox1" SelectionMode="Extended" ItemsSource="{Binding}"
             Width="300" Height="300" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True">
                    <Image Source="{Binding thumbnail}"/>
                    <TextBlock Text="{Binding mediaid}"/>

For the time being I have set the Window.DataContext

    <ObjectDataProvider ObjectType="{x:Type local:LoadImages}" MethodName="LoadImages"/>

But everytime I run the app the listbox shows up empty.

Any suggestions.

+1  A: 

Image element do support Uris for Source property. Why not making your LoadImages class return a set of Uris instead of images? Also image element can do async job for you ;)

Denis Vuyka
Thanks Dennis,Was missing the obvious :-)
Update : I changed my class and set the image element to bind to the string but the image still does not appear. Any pointers.

thumbnail and mediaid aren't public, and thus the binding fails.

Hi,I tried setting it to public but still the binding fails.

After a lot of reading and googling I found my answer, all I had to do in the ImageLoader class is to create properties for mediaid and thumbnail and after that binding to the listbox now works like a char. So the ImageLoader class in asked in the question above now looks like

public class ImageLoader
    string mediaid;
    BitmapImage thumbnail;

    public string MediaId
        get { return mediaid; }
        set { mediaid = value; }

    public BitmapImage Thumbnail
        get { return thumbnail; } 
        set { thumbnail = value; } 

    public ImageLoader(string mediaid, BitmapImage b)
        this.mediaid = mediaid;
        this.thumbnail = b;