As a side note:
Always, always avoid xargs(1). It's a broken tool and is only remotely useful if you use it with the -0 option. Even then, it's almost always better to use find(1)'s -exec option, or a simple for or while loop.
Why is xargs so bad? Firstly, it splits input on whitespace, meaning all your filenames that contain whitespace will cause havoc. Secondly, it tries to be a smartass, and parse quotes for you. Which only leads to more headaches as you use it on filenames that contain quotes as part of the filename, such as songs: "I don't wanna miss a thing.mp3". This will just make xargs puke and curse at you that you quoted its input badly. No, you didn't: it should just learn that quotes do not belong in input data, they belong in shell scripts, and xargs has no business trying to parse them.
Mind you, xargs(1) doesn't do the whitespace splitting or the quote parsing when you pass -0 to it. It does the right thing, which is use NULL bytes to delimit filenames. But that means you need to give it input that uses NULL byte-delimited filenames (such as "find -foo -print0"). Which brings us back to: it's better to just use find's -exec: "find -foo -exec bar {} +".