



In ruby on rails when doing session[:foo] = nil it leaves an entry named :foo in the session object. How can you get rid of that single entry from the session object?

+1  A: 

As the Session is a Ruby CGI::Session and not a Hash, calling delete will actually delete session. Delete takes no parameters - this is my you're getting the "wrong number of arguments (1 or 0)" message when you try what hyuan suggests.

The generally accepted way to clear a session entry is with session[:foo] = nil as you suggest. It is far from ideal, but statements like session[:foo].nil? will behave as expected.

I really wish it behaved like a normal Hash ... but it doesn't.

+3  A: 

Actually there is a way to get delete a value from the session. Like RichH said the session variable is a CGI::Session instance. When enter something like session[:foo] it is actually looking that symbol up in a @data instance variable in the session object. That data variable is a hash.

EDIT: There is a data instance variable in the CGI::Session class. If you go to the docs and look at the source code for the []= method you'll see that there is a @data member.

So to delete session[:foo] all you have to do is access that @data variable from inside the session[:foo]

Now to delete it: :foo

Once you do this the there should be no more foo in your session variable.

Is that portable accross all of the session stores? It looks a little intimate as the data attribute isn't mentioned in the docs.
I honestly don't know. I discovered it by using debugger and inspecting the session variable. I was able to find a little support for my answer though,, check out the last method where they assign session_data = That's the most I could find on it
I just updated my answer with a much better source for some documentation on the subject.
That's just the ActiveRecord store - if you look at the cookie store, memcache store, etc they don't have this attr_reader -
The way I understand it is that the CGI::Session:CookieStore is an extension of the CGI::Session class. So CookieStore would inherit everything in CGI::Session. When we modify the Session class (by adding @data to it) we inherit all those changes into the extensions that follow it (CookieStore)
@data isn't in the base Session class it's in the active record session store - that's the source you pointed to. The memcached session doesn't use @data, it uses an @cache to store the session contents. ActiveRecord does something different to. This is implementation specific.
Ok @data may not be in the rdoc for CGI::Session but if you take a look at the actual code for the '[]=' method,, you'll see that a @data instance variable is created or written to. So for certain session stores Rails will overwrite the @data variable.
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