



I just got my first Jython (and Python) project, and I was wondering what documentation, IDEs, etc. are best suited to a Java buff like me.

I know there are a lot of questions about starting out with Python, so I'm asking for things that might be specific to Jython. Where should I start? If it helps, I'm running Linux and Solaris only.

+3  A: 

Do you use Eclipse for Java? PyDev is a nice Eclipse plugin for Python. PyDev has full support for Jython.

I prefer NetBeans (I work for Sun/IBM) but I'm flexible
Eric Wendelin
NetBeans also has a Python plugin, but last time I checked it wasn't up to the level that Eclipse's is.
Jason Baker
What about IntelliJ? Any support there?
Eric Wendelin
You might want to consider gedit or kate. I'm dead serious on this one. I eventually found that big and powerful IDEs got in my way more than they helped. I think you'll eventually find that a lot of the things you needed an IDE for in Java aren't as big a deal in Python.
Jason Baker
+7  A: 

For starters, I'd read python is not java. It'll give you a good idea of some habits you may have to break to program in Python effectively. As has been mentioned, pydev is a pretty good development environment. Although I would say that you would eventually want to learn emacs (but you may just want to learn one thing at a time).

Jason Baker
Definitely read the Python is not Java article. Will stop you making all the mistakes I made.
Dave Webb
+3  A: 

If you're using Netbeans for Java there's a nice Python plugin.

Dave Webb
+1  A: 

The Jython-users mailing list is a great resource:
[email protected]

IBM Developerworks has some good articles, which I can't find on their website anymore. They are on the homepage however:
Part 1
Part 2

PyDev is a good IDE if you're into Eclipse

Peter Gibson
+2  A: 

I'm surprised no one has yet mentioned -- maybe that's too obvious. I also liked the book Jython Essentials from O'Reilly. The book is dated (from 2002), but I still keep it on my bookshelf.

Raymond Yee

Book: The Definitive Guide to Jython, for jython 2.5.
