Hi, I have a query to return random distinct rows from an Access database. Here is the query:
(SELECT DISTINCT m.MemberID, m.Title, m.FullName, m.Address,
m.Phone, m.EmailAddress, m.WebsiteAddress FROM Members AS m INNER JOIN MembersForType AS t ON m.MemberID = t.MemberID WHERE
(Category = 'MemberType1' OR Category = 'MemberType2')) as Members
ORDER BY RND(members.MemberID) DESC
When I run this in Access it returns the rows in different order every time, as per the random sort order. When I run it through my web app however the rows return in the same order every time. Here is how I call it in my code-behind:
private void BindData()
using (AccessDataSource ds = new AccessDataSource("~/App_Data/mydb.mdb", GetSQLStatement()))
ds.DataSourceMode = SqlDataSourceMode.DataReader;
ds.CacheDuration = 0;
ds.CacheExpirationPolicy = DataSourceCacheExpiry.Absolute;
ds.EnableCaching = false;
listing.DataSource = ds.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments());
if (listing.Items.Count == 0)
noResults.Visible = true;
noResults.Visible = false;
I added in all that stuff about caching because I thought maybe the query was being cached but the result was the same. I put a breakpoint in the code to make sure the query was the same as above and it was.
Any ideas? This is driving me nuts.