



Thanks to this website I succeed to use a connectionString localized inside a web.config instead of the one provided in the app.config of the library. But my production and my test SQL Server do not have the same SQL user name.

public partial class tableName : INotifyPropertyChanging, INotifyPropertyChanged

When I remove by hand the user name before the table name, it's working. But I still have to problems:

  1. Is it good to do that? Maybe there is a potential flaw I'm not aware of.
  2. If it's a good behavior how can I configure it somewhere? Each time that LINQ will regenerate the dbml, I will loose my modification. I think I can't move it to a partial class as it's an attribute and can't be redefined (I don't want to do it for all the tables also).

Thanks for your help.


Use same name for connection strings in web.config local and remote server but use different username and password for them.

I follow this practice and it is perfectly for me.
