We are a two people team of software developers and have just started working on a new project. We have a myriad of very small non-critical tasks and some bigger tasks which are usually time-critical to manage. I am looking for a tool that would allow us to
- Add, keep track of and prioritize tasks
- Manage dependencies between tasks
- Keep track of task due dates & completion estimations
- Give an good overlook of overdue tasks
- Keep track of regular tasks (such as a recurring SEO day every Friday)
- Generate daily schedules from all this
- Do all of this without too much effort. I know there is no free lunch, but still we need to minimize overhead as much as possible, especially given the fact that we are only two people.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, but please bear on mind that I am looking for something to cover all of the points above.
Disclaimer: I know a similar question has been been asked [here][1] before, but the priorities he asked for in that thread are much broader.
Edit: Free is good, but it is not the primary criterium. I would rather spend a few dollars per month if that gives me something that covers all of my priorities.
Also, we have free access to MS Project, but I have not downloaded it yet. Is it too bloated for managing just two people?
Edit 2: FogBugz looks like a good bug tracking database, but it does not seem to cover points 2,5 and 6 above, so it does not seem to fit our requirements.