I have a war file (actually not my own, it's Apache ODE 1.2) that fails to deploy into WAS 6.1 because of a classloader issue - and a specific incompatibility with wsdl4j. If I manually edit the classloader for ODE and create a shared-library for wsdl4j1.6.1 it's all fine.
However, the client has come back stating this is not acceptable and that I should provide an ear that is a self-contained install, with no manual steps involved.
I've been able to build the ear file that bundles the war, but I cannot find any relevant information on how to include a shared-lib within the ear - and have that used at the start of the classloader (needs to take preference over the wsdl4j bundled with WAS). Do I need to modify the ear file construct? Or the application.xml?
Can anyone offer any help? As you may guess, I am from a "tomcat just needs a war file" background, struggling to get to grips with ear files.
My application.xml just contains: http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/application_1_4.xsd"> XXX ODE ode.war ode etc