



Is there a way to get Ie7 to expand on the error message “This program cannot display the webpage”?

I have turned off friendly error messages but this has not helped.

The background is that intermittently I get the error while using IE7 navigating to a around a particular a website. However I know the server has returned the web page with a 200 OK HTTP code as I can see this in fiddler. If I take the HTML code form the returned page out of fiddler and save it I can load it in IE with no issues.


I don't know how to debug in IE7 (I'm not a MS person). In case it helps, it sounds like you may be hitting a timing problem or interference with some antivirus software.


You could try using HttpWatch. The free basic edition shows error codes that were raised within IE and it may help you to diagnose this problem.

DISCLAIMER: this answer was provided by Simtec Limited the makers of HttpWatch

+1  A: 

You could also try Fiddler
