I have shoes raisins (0.r1134) [i686-darwin8.9.1] +video
I'm trying to set up a Shoes.setup block like this:
Shoes.setup do
gem 'mini_exiftool'
gem 'xml-simple > 1.0'
require "mini_exiftool"
require 'xmlrpc/client'
require 'xmlsimple.rb'
require "my_webservice_api_wrapper"
mwa = MyWebserviceApiWrapper.new
mwa.login # problems...
All works fine until we get to mwa.login, which takes us off to my XML-RPC wrapper API that will do a secure login. I get the error:
undefined method `closed?' for #
If I fire up irb and load "my_webservice_api_wrapper.rb" it all works fine, so I'm thinking maybe I misunderstood what should be loaded in Shoes and when.
Any help appreciated. Shoes looks really cool.