



Can anyone recommend a public code repository? A few friends and I are thinking of starting a few projects for iPhone, web, Android, etc., and it would be nice to have a public (internet) code repository to use that would work well on any platform (Mac, PC, Linux). Any type of repository is fine (SVN, CVS, Git, etc.).

A few ideas are Sourceforge or Google Code. Any recommendations? Thanks

+1  A: 

If your projects are open source then Google Code is very easy to set up and use - much easier than SourceForge. The version control offered is Subversion - I would guess they will get around to supporting git soon. There's a FAQ describing the service here.

Also, even if you don't use GC, it's worth considering starting a group on Google Groups to act a s a suport/discussion forum for your project.

+1 google code extremely easy to setup, compared to sourceforge.
+7  A: is my preferred one.

Free for open source projects and inexpensive for private projects.

If you don't know Git already, you will likely enjoy it very much once you learn the basics.

There are guides on setting it up for each platform on the site.

+1  A: 

github is another choice.

+4  A: 

GitHub provides fantastic Git hosting and BitBucket has a similar service for Mercurial.

Matt Good
+2  A: 

I highly recommend, i've been using it a while now and i've had a great experience so far, but with everything I would try out the other answers and see which fits your needs best. It's main advantage is its free and you get 2 private repositories so you don't have to make your code open-source if you don't want to. (As of 28/05/2010)

Lee Treveil
+2  A: 

I like GitHub (git) and Assembla (svn). Both have free public plans with paid options for private repositories. The rates for private repositories are comparable.

+4  A: 

Google Code is nice and easy to set up, but you should be aware that it only allows a limited set of licenses. It allows Apache 2.0, Artistic/GPL, Eclipse 1.0, GPL v2, GPL v3, LGPL, MIT, MPL 1.1, and New BSD. These are probably enough for most projects, however.


You might want to check out origo. They offer a subversion repository, a wiki and an issue tracker.

It is free for both open source and closed source (private) projects.

+4  A: 

You can try github. If your project is open source then its free, else you can check the pricing page in the web site.

On another note, github doesn't have issue tracking, mailing lists, which made the subtext guys to move for Google Code.

On the other hand if you can integrate your project with Lighthouse, which is free for open source. And integrate github with Lighthouse with their web-hooks.


A few years ago I had the same problem, so I made my own. It's not pretty and not fancy but it works. The admin interface is at


I'll put up another vote for and with it, git.

Why? this, for starters. I switched from svn in my local development, because it's faster and the branch management is awesome.

+1  A: 

Beanstalk offer free/paid Subversion hosting. Their free plan is limited to 100 MB, 3 users, and 1 repository. I haven't used it myself, but the UI looks very nice, and it is recommended by the Versions team.

You may also find this thread helpful.


Steve Harrison
+3  A: 

I recommend you to use Assembla. You can choose between a lot of repositories options.


* [Subversion - with secure EC2 hosting, beautiful browser][2]
* [Git - with the beautiful browser][3]
* Mercurial
* Github
* Your SVN server

Tickets / Issues

* Assembla agile Ticket and Issue tracker
* Trac, enhanced with team and alert management


* Assembla Wiki
* Assembla Messages
* Assembla Files
* Assembla Chat
* Trac Wiki

Time Tracking

* Project time report
* Rollup time report
* Burndown chart
* Desktop time tracker


* Visible activity stream with email alerts and RSS
* Scrum report
* Project templates
* Branded home pages and spaces
* Portfolio reports


* Webhooks - post to any REST interface
* Twitter
* Eclipse Mylyn
* External SVN, Github