



I have this code:

private static $dates = array(
  'start' => mktime( 0,  0,  0,  7, 30, 2009),  // Start date
  'end'   => mktime( 0,  0,  0,  8,  2, 2009),  // End date
  'close' => mktime(23, 59, 59,  7, 20, 2009),  // Date when registration closes
  'early' => mktime( 0,  0,  0,  3, 19, 2009),  // Date when early bird discount ends

Which gives me the following error:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '(', expecting ')' in /home/user/Sites/site/registration/inc/ on line 19

So, I guess I am doing something wrong... but how can I do this if not like that? If I change the mktime stuff with regular strings, it works. So I know that I can do it sort of like that..

Anyone have some pointers?


You can't make function calls in this part of the code. If you make an init() type method that gets executed before any other code does then you will be able to populate the variable then.

init() type method? could you give an example? is that kind of like a static constructor in C#?
+1  A: 

That's too complex to set in the definition. You can set the definition to null though, and then in the constructor, check it, and if it has not been changed - set it:

private static $dates = null;
public function __construct()
    if (is_null(self::$dates)) {  // OR if (!is_array(self::$date))
         self::$dates = array( /* .... */);
Alister Bulman
but will the constructor be of any help in an abstract class that never is instantiated?
An abstract class can't be usefully used unless it's been completed and instantiated. The setup above doesn't have to be done specifically in a constructor, as long as it's called somewhere before the variable is going to be used.
Alister Bulman
+8  A: 

PHP can't parse non-trivial expressions in initializers.

I prefer to work around this by adding code right after definition of the class:

class Foo {
  static $bar;
Foo::$bar = array(…);


class Foo {
  private static $bar;
  static function init()
    self::$bar = array(…);
Smart work around. Didn't think of that =) Will most likely use that!