



I've written a MnemonicsBuilder class for JLabels and AbstractButtons. I would like to write a convenience method setMnemonics( JFrame f ) that will iterate through every child of the JFrame and select out the JLabels and AbstractButtons. How can I obtain access to everything contained in the JFrame? I've tried:

LinkedList<JLabel> harvestJLabels( Container c, LinkedList<JLabel> l ) {
    Component[] components = c.getComponents();
    for( Component com : components )
     if( com instanceof JLabel )
      l.add( (JLabel) com );
     } else if( com instanceof Container )
      l.addAll( harvestJLabels( (Container) com, l ) );
    return l;

In some situations, this works just fine. In others, it runs out of memory. What am I not thinking of? Is there a better way to search for child components? Is my recursion flawed? Is this not a picture of how things "Contain" other things in Swing - e.g., is Swing not a Rooted Tree?

|   |
|    \__JMenu
|       |
|        \__JMenuItem
|   |
|   |\__JButton 
|   |
|   |\__JLabel
|   |
|   |\__ ... JCheckBoxes, other AbstractButtons, etc.

What if you had two components that each had one another in their components collection? It would infinetly recurse through them, adding to your collection.

You could have a circular reference somewhere, that may not be as obvious or simple as what I described. I'm not familiar with JFrame's, so I'm not sure if this is possible.

When doing this sort of thing you might need a "visited" property of some sort, so that you can mark objects as visited, and if so, don't do the recursive call on them.


You can try to remove recursion to release the arrays of components:

LinkedList<JLabel> harvestJLabels( Container c, LinkedList<JLabel> l ) {
    List<Container> containers = new ArrayList<Container();
    while (!containers.isEmpty()) {
        Container cont = containers.remove(0);
        Component[] components = cont.getComponents();
        for( Component com : components )
            if( com instanceof JLabel )
                    l.add( (JLabel) com );
            } else if( com instanceof Container )
    return l;
Maurice Perry
+1  A: 

Here's your problem:

LinkedList<JLabel> harvestJLabels( Container c, LinkedList<JLabel> l ) {
                l.addAll( harvestJLabels( (Container) com, l ) );
    return l;

You only have a single list. You are appending a list to another list. Therefore you are adding a list to itself. That may work in some sense, but you are going to have a doubling of length (exponential growth).

Either have a single List (usually there is no need to specify an algorithm in declarations) or create a new list instance each time the method is called. Avoid returning a reference you don't need to - it's just misleading.

Also ArrayList would be more appropriate than LinkedList. LinkedList is almost always the wrong choice.

Tom Hawtin - tackline
+1  A: 

Agree with Tom here... Your problem is that you're already passing the List to add the JLabels down to your recursive method AND you're also returning it - thus adding the same items to your list more than once. In more politically correct terms - the List is your accumulator.

Your method should instead look like this:

public void harvestJLabels(Container c, List<JLabel> l) {
    Component[] components = c.getComponents();
    for(Component com : components) {
        if(com instanceof JLabel) {
            l.add((JLabel) com);
        } else if(com instanceof Container) {
            harvestJLabels((Container) com, l));

Then you can have a helper method to initiate this harvesting:

public List<JLabel> harvestJLabels(Container c) {
    List<JLabel> jLabels = new ArrayList<JLabel>();
    harvestJLabels(c, jLabels);
    return jLabels;
Cem Catikkas