I have to convert some code from classic ASP to ASP.NET
1) How can I best handle syntax as below, where it seems to fail because the code is inside a tag, and also perhaps because the condition is split over several tags.
2) Any tools or guidelines that are good on this kind of code?
3) Classic ADO.
<li><a<% if "" = myFolder then %> class="selected"<% end if %> href="http://<%= SERVER_NAME %>/"><%= getLocale("Home") %></a></li>
<% SQL = "SP_TOPNAV '" & lang & "'"
Set maNav = conn.execute(SQL)
do while not maNav.EOF %>
<li><a<% if maNav(0) = myFolder then %> class="selected"<% end if %> href="http://<%= SERVER_NAME %>/<%= maNav(0) %>"><%= maNav(1) %></a></li>
<% maNav.MoveNext
Set maNav = Nothing %>