Type of Projects where Unit Testing is useless
When to unit-test vs manual test
Is Unit Testing worth the effort?
I am wondering why I should write tests for things that I already test manually myself. I don't write rspec tests or anything like that. To test, I'll write something then go to the browser and make sure that changes do what I want. I've heard this methodology described as "error driven development".
The applications I write now are generally small in scope and size. I am the only developer (typically) and so I don't have to worry about incorporating other people's code into my own tests.
I can see the need for testing large scale applications with hundreds of forms. But for the smaller applications that I am developing on my own, writing tests take much longer than just filling in the info myself. I've heard a lot of developers advocating test driven development and I just haven't "seen the light" yet. It seems like a great idea but I just can't justify the amount of work that writing tests (seems) to require.