I'm using Perl 5.10.0 on Debian Linux (testing) and trying to install the Perl module Net::Amazon::MechanicalTurk version 1.01. When I run the module's test suite, I get errors such as the following:
t/01-ListOperations.......................Can't locate object method "new" via package "Net::Amazon::MechanicalTurk::Transport::RESTTransport" at /home/user/.cpan/build/Net-Amazon-MechanicalTurk-1.01-BO885C/blib/lib/Net/Amazon/MechanicalTurk/Transport.pm line 21. dubious [...] Failed 21/33 test scripts. 12/78 subtests failed. Files=33, Tests=78, 46 wallclock secs ( 1.50 cusr + 0.22 csys = 1.72 CPU) Failed 21/33 test programs. 12/78 subtests failed.
ISA Net::Amazon::MechanicalTurk::Transport
which ISA Net::Amazon::MechanicalTurk::BaseObject
which has a sub "new".
I have all of the required modules installed, as verified by the mturk_install.pl
script. I've checked the issues on the module's CPAN page, but these errors are not addressed.
Has anyone had these problems and come up with any solutions? If you're successfully using this module, which version of Perl are you running?