



I have a handful of side projects that use various programming languages. My job doesn't really warrant the use of those languages in a professional capacity, but I can still get useful stuff done in a variety of languages.

I only really feel comfortable putting the language I'm strongest with on my resume, but I don't think that's enough to get attention. However, without working in other languages in a professional capacity, I don't really feel comfortable putting them on my resume.

So, at what point do you add another programming language to your resume? Where do you draw the line?


Do you really know your programming languages?

+3  A: 

When I interview people, I consider any language they've listed as fair game. So if you can make it through some programming questions with each one, I think it's fine.

Just make sure they are actually languages. CSS and HTML don't count :)

Trey Stout
While CSS and HTML aren't programming languages, knowing them well can be a very important skill.
But doesn't the L in HTML stand for Langugage? ;)
Zhaph - Ben Duguid
Not to mention that if a non-technical person is screening like HR depts then they could filter you out. I tend to list technologies I am competent in
But then again, you need to know HTML to ASP.NET to make good looking sites. Why not list it? I also agree with the guy that mentioned the "L" in HTML.
As a longtime systems (OS, device driver, hardcore stuff) programmer, I think I can say CSS and HTML most definitely *are* programming languages. If more people "compiled" their stuff with the W3C evaluators, the web would be a much better place.
@Ted - Good point. But then everyone would just ignore the warnings and only fix errors :)
Trey Stout
Depends on the kind of job, if you're signing up for a front-end job you'll want to have those languages listed.
Jasper Bekkers
If someone thinks that HTML and CSS aren't "actual languages" then they don't know them well enough.
I know them plenty well, and they are markup, not logic. I associate programming with implementing logic. Not decorating.
Trey Stout
@Trey I hear what you say but if you're working with any web based program knowing Html and Css is essential. I think some programmers feel these beneath them and too simple and are often among those that make mistakes with them. They are not as complex or as challenging but it doesn't rule them out. they are declarative programming
Are you really implying that I didn't know HTML is important for web development? I thought this thread was about what skill level a developer should have before listing things like C, Python, Javascript etc.. on their resume. HTML, XML, DHTML are just noise in resumes.
Trey Stout
+7  A: 

Place the ones you are strongest with in the most prominent place. If you would like to mention multiple languages that you are not as experienced with, or just use for a hobby, list them, but note how much experience you have with them and how you've used them.

I typically have a separate section of generic "skills" with a subcategory for my hobbies. If I've played with Python or Groovy on the side, I put it in that section. There are also skills that I only use as a hobby, but am more proficient at than some of my professional skills. Its up to you whether to group these by professional/hobby or by strength.

Additionally, for the "employment" section, I usually have a few lines about what I did there. That is a good place to list your primary language, and alternate languages, after you talk about your job duties.

John Ellinwood
+1  A: 

Well depending on the structure of your resume if you have a section where you can list skills/knowledge you could certainly put "experience with" or "knowledge of" for a particular language, but I absolutely would make sure that i've done more with the language then writing hello world and making sure it compiles.

Quintin Robinson
+6  A: 

You can put a "also some experience with" section to add the other programming languages.

It shows that you are not bragging and gives your ability to learn new languages.

+5  A: 

Don't list more than 4 or 5 languages. Unless you have work experience to back up that list. If you put too many languages without work experience, I would feel like you are just trying to pad your resume. I've seen a lot resumes (mostly from new grads) who list every programming language they've ever used, along with every application they've used.

This is a personal peeve of mine.
Trey Stout
+2  A: 

If you put a language on your resume, you should also include in the resume what experience you have in the resume. I always found it amussing to get resumes back from some of the large Consulting Farms which would read like Alphabet soup but then when you ask the candidate anything about the technology, they would crumble and admit that they didn't know much about it.

If you are competent and can back up your competency with examples then by all means put it on there.

But, on the flip side, if you've been consulting, you may have NDA-restricted experience. e.g., I've worked with Oracle, but can't put the actual project on my resume to back up that knowledge. No examples may mean they're blowing smoke, but not necessarily.
Dave Sherohman
You can put that you worked with Oracle and what your role was on the project. You might not be able to describe what the project was, which is not important. I got real tired hearing about this or that project which used these technologies...but the candidate hadn't touched any of the technologies
+1  A: 

What I do with languages if they are items that I am not 100% fluent in, but have experience. I have a "Technologies" section, in there I can list a bunch of them, at interview time it typically prompts a discussion regarding my level of experience with the various technologies.

I typically only put items down if I have actually done a "real" project with them, not just education/research on the topic.

Mitchel Sellers
+1  A: 

If you know several languages are are able to work decently in them (i.e. you know Pythonic from not) then list them. Maybe you're not an expert, but if you were hired to work in that language you'd be able to be up to speed quickly, right? Many times your resume will end up in the trash if you don't have the right bullet points. So put them in there, unless you really aren't comfortable listing them.

+1  A: 

I've always listed only those languages or technologies that I'd want to work with again, or are relevant to the role for which I'm applying (For instance, I tend to play down my SharePoint experience, and tend to mention C# more prominently than ATL or C++)

Rowland Shaw
+32  A: 

To have an answer completely different than all others so far:

I have to admit that as a green bean, fresh out of college, I listed pretty much every language I had ever touched on my resume.

However, from experience in actually looking at resume's from the perspective of an interviewer/employer, I'm not at all impressed if someone can list 20 languages on their resume. In fact, if I were to write a resume now, I may only include one or two languages, and I would consider not mentioning any languages at all.

The plain and simple fact is, as an employer, I don't care what languages you know. If I need you to use C#, I'll teach you C#. If I need you to use Ruby, I'll teach you Ruby. The only time I would ever care what languages you know is if I were hiring someone to work on a piece of legacy software and needed a VB6 developer (it's hard to find people who want to use VB6).

As an employer, there are many other things I want to know about you. Do you work on any projects in your free time, open source or otherwise? Do you have a passion for developing software? Are you dedicated to being great at your craft? While some of these things may be hard to express on a resume, they are of utmost importance to me, as an employer and even as a coworker.

All that said, some employers, notably those that are not strictly software producing organizations, may not look at this the same way. So, take this advice with a grain of salt.

I wish all prospective employers thought like this, however I think you are not likely in the majority.
More to the point, typically to ever get to the smart guy like ascalonx the resume has to first get through HR, who will be screening them to make sure the list of requirments (20 years Ruby experience) matches the resume, whithout knowing a thing about software.
@ted.dennison: I've often felt this may be a problem, but have never seen it happen first hand. Have you? Its quite worrying. Would you want to work with a company who has such a careless recruitment policy...?
I think it also depends a bit on the position, if you as a manager are looking for senior developer then that person better know C++ or whatever he/she claims to know. When hiring junior developers I agree.
Anders K.
I'm sure that this isn't typical, but at the company I work for, engineers are in the hiring process from the beginning (for other engineers anyway). Engineers go to career fairs. Engineers screen resumes. Engineers do interviews. Engineers votes have the most weight when deciding on the candidate.
If you have ever worked for a really large company, I guarantee you the bueracracy is at least that bad. (And yes, there are advantages to working for a company that large)
Many jobs are applied to through agencies, and most will not even forward your cv, unless it matches the job spec that the agency has been given. So, if the job spec says C#, LINQ, XSLT, Sharepoint and Perl, then they had better be on your CV!
+16  A: 

As a senior developer, only those languages that meet the following criteria:

  1. I know them cold. I can answer almost any question you throw at me about them.
  2. I want to work with them again.
I don't know about the "I know them cold" part. I'm better with C++ than 99% of the folks out there, but I doubt I'd ever be able to tell you just what is a protectedabstract virtual base pure virtual private destructor, when I would need one.
Yes, I think there's definitely a spectrum of interview questions, from basic to "very, very ticky-tack, in-depth, you'd need the language spec in front of you to know the answer". I think if I was asked anything on that side of the spectrum, I'd know the job wasn't for me.
+1 for item 2 (^_^)
Metro Smurf
+1  A: 

I once sat down and calculated that I had been paid for writing code in over 30 different computer languages. Only an idiot would list all those on their CV. How you pick which ones to claim knowledge of depends, obviously, on the job you are going for. Basically, you must tailor your CV for the job - if you are going through an agent, make sure that they get in touch with you before putting you forward so you can do the tailoring.


I'd just pick the ones I feel confident in. At the current time, my job isn't really strict on what language I choose. I could write in whatever language I really wanted. I chose a combination of C# and VB.NET for my current project that I'm working on.

+2  A: 

Put it so you don't start "listing" them. For example, something along the lines of

" 20 years experience with c++ and java in ... whatever

Confortable with ruby and python for small scale development."

That way they get a feeling what are your main strengths, but also they understand you can handle yourself if something alongside comes along. After all, you cannot be equally proficient with all of those 20 languages.

Due to my english the upper sentences may have come out a bit wrong, but you know the phrases which usually go in cv - this was just a principle idea.

2 sides to this argument, please let me know if you agree... 1 side is that sentences in a CV can be harder to read than lists... But, if your list is so refined (to the point) then a short sentence is much better than a list as long as your arm... Agree?
Uhmm, yes, I think - if I understand correctly what you're trying to say. A list of finely picked sentences is easier to read than a mind-boggingly long list. But yes, if you over do it, then sentences can be hard to read, and tiresome. Did I get your meaning ?

If I can write more than hello world in a language; I know it. So I'll list it.

I cover at least a few of each (Functional, Imperative, Procedural and OO) languages.

Picking up another language from a any category is easy after two or three.

I have a "can read code in" section. I get comments in interviews about my honesty in stating that I can only read it.

It's very useful for porting older intellectual property to modern languages.

Tim Williscroft
+4  A: 

The guideline I use are

  1. If I've used the language enough to work productively in it.
  2. I want to work with the language again
  3. I am comfortable fielding whatever questions the interviewer throws at me. (This is applicable to any part of my resume)

That being said, resume's should read like good web pages... they should be concise and free of clutter.

+3  A: 

Basicly, if I've used it enough that I think I could competently use it (given proper references), I put it in. I also include some indication of how much I've used it (eg: 10 years Ada, 7 years C++, Some Java)

Equally important is to know when to take languages or tools off of your resume. For example, I really don't want to get stuck using Fortran, or VAPS ever again, so I've actually removed those two.

+1  A: 

You could list them as self learned languages, outside of a job. This would demonstrate that you are actually doing continued training, which is always well seen by employers.

This way, you list them, and yet, it is obvious that you haven't used them in a professionnal environment.

As for the ones talking about markup languages and css, usually, I fit them in a category called "technologies used" in a section for each job I had. This way, you can fit about anything that isn't necessarily programming oriented, but usefull to mention.


Actually if i finished a tiny project with it, I simply list it mentioning the experience level i had of course.


Avoid listing old language, e.g. FORTAN. That dates you even if you are up on more recent languages.

Brian Carlton