I need to be able to get the CREATE scripts for existing tables within SQL Server 2008. I assume I can do this by querying the sys.tables somehow, however this isn't returning me the CREATE script data.
Easiest way is to use the built-in feature of SQL Management Studio.
Right-click the database, go to tasks, Generate Scripts, and walk through the wizard. You can choose what objects to script, and it'll make it all for you.
Now if you are trying to make your OWN script to do the same thing, you're probably up for a lot of work...
do you mean you wish to create a TSQL script which generates a CREATE script, or use the Management tools in SQL SERVER Management Studio to generate a Create script?
If it's the latter, it's a simply matter of right-clicking a table, and selecting Script Table As -> Create To -> New Query Window.
If you want the whole database scripted, then right click the database and select Tasks--> Generate Scripts... and then follow the wizard
otherwise it's a matter of selecting all sorts of fun things out of the various system tables.
Since we're offering alternatives to what you asked..
If you're in .Net, you should look at the Database Publishing Wizard in Visual Studio. Easy way to script your tables/data to a text file.
Use the SSMS, easiest way You can configure options for it as well (eg collation, syntax, drop...create)
Otherwise, SSMS Tools Pack, or DbFriend on CodePlex can help you generate scripts
"Easiest way is to use the built-in feature of SQL Management Studio" but... I have resolved it with a function and a couple of procedures. For example, to obtain the create table for a table named 'table_name', you have to execute just the procedure called sp_ppinScriptTabla:
Exec sp_ppinScriptTabla 'table_name'
Here is the tsql script code:
Use Master
Create Function sp_ppinTipoLongitud
@xtype int,
@length int,
@isnullable int
Returns Varchar(512)
-- Función que a partir de un tipo de datos y una logitud, devuelve el texto del tipo.
-- Por ejemplo: para xtype=varchar y length=10 devolverá "varchar(10)"
Declare @ret varchar(512)
Set @ret = ''
Select @ret = t.name +
Case When name in ('varchar', 'nvarchar', 'char', 'nchar') Then '(' + Convert(varchar, @length) + ')' Else '' End + ' ' +
Case @isnullable When 1 Then 'NULL' Else 'NOT NULL' End
From systypes t
Where t.xtype = @xtype
Return @ret
Create Procedure sp_ppinScriptLlavesForaneas
@vchTabla sysname,
@vchResultado varchar(8000) output
DECLARE @tmpFK table(
TablaF sysname,
TablaR sysname,
ColF sysname,
ColR sysname,
FKName sysname)
-- obtengo las llaves foraneas en @vchForeign
Declare @vchForeign varchar(8000), @FKName sysname, @vchColumnasF varchar(4000), @vchColumnasR varchar(4000), @ColF sysname, @ColR sysname
Declare @vchTemp varchar(1000), @TablaR sysname
Insert into @tmpFK
Select TablaF.name AS TablaF, TablaR.name AS TablaR, ColF.name AS ColF, ColR.name AS ColR, ofk.name AS FKName
From sysforeignkeys fk, sysobjects ofk, sysobjects TablaF, sysobjects TablaR,
syscolumns ColF, syscolumns ColR
Where TablaF.name = @vchTabla
And ofk.id = fk.constid
And TablaF.id = fk.fkeyid
And TablaR.id = fk.rkeyid
And ColF.id = TablaF.id And ColF.colid = fk.fkey
And ColR.id = TablaR.id And ColR.colid = fk.rkey
order by FKName
Set @vchForeign = ''
While Exists ( Select * From @tmpFK )
Select Top 1 @FKName = FKName From @tmpFK
Set @vchColumnasF = ''
Set @vchColumnasR = ''
While Exists ( Select * From @tmpFK Where FKName = @FKName )
Select Top 1 @ColF = ColF, @ColR = ColR, @TablaR = TablaR From @tmpFK Where FKName = @FKName
Delete From @tmpFK Where ColF = @ColF And ColR = @ColR And TablaR = @TablaR And FKName = @FKName
Set @vchColumnasF = @vchColumnasF + @ColF + ', '
Set @vchColumnasR = @vchColumnasR + @ColR + ', '
Set @vchColumnasF = LEFT(@vchColumnasF, LEN(@vchColumnasF) - 1)
Set @vchColumnasR = LEFT(@vchColumnasR, LEN(@vchColumnasR) - 1)
Set @vchTemp = 'Constraint ' + @FKName + ' Foreign Key (' + @vchColumnasF + ') '
Set @vchTemp = @vchTemp + 'References ' + @TablaR + ' (' + @vchColumnasR + ')'
Set @vchForeign = @vchForeign + char(9) + @vchTemp + ',' + char(13)
Select @vchResultado = Case When Len(@vchForeign) >=2 Then Left(@vchForeign, Len(@vchForeign) - 2) Else @vchForeign End
Create Procedure sp_ppinScriptTabla
@vchTabla sysname
Set nocount on
-- Obtengo las foreign keys
Declare @foreign varchar(8000)
Exec sp_ppinScriptLlavesForaneas @vchTabla, @foreign output
-- SELECT que devuelve el script de Create Table de la tabla
Select 'Create ' +
Case o.xtype When 'U' Then 'Table' When 'P' Then 'Procedure' Else '??' End + ' ' +
@vchTabla + char(13) + '('
From sysobjects o
Where o.name = @vchTabla
Union all
-- Campos + identitys + DEFAULTS
select char(9) + c.name + ' ' + -- Nombre
dbo.sp_ppinTipoLongitud(t.xtype, c.length, c.isnullable) + -- Tipo(longitud)
Case When c.colstat & 1 = 1 -- Identity (si aplica)
Then ' Identity(' + convert(varchar, ident_seed(@vchTabla)) + ',' + Convert(varchar, ident_incr(@vchTabla)) + ')'
Else ''
End +
Case When not od.name is null -- Defaults (si aplica)
Then ' Constraint ' + od.name + ' Default ' + replace(replace(cd.text, '((', '('), '))', ')')
Else ''
End + ', '
from sysobjects o, syscolumns c
LEFT OUTER JOIN sysobjects od On od.id = c.cdefault LEFT OUTER join syscomments cd On cd.id = od.id,
systypes t
where o.id = object_id(@vchTabla)
and o.id = c.id
and c.xtype = t.xtype
Union all
-- Primary Keys y Unique keys
select char(9) + 'Constraint ' + o.name + ' ' +
Case o.xtype When 'PK' Then 'Primary Key' Else 'Unique' End + ' ' +
dbo.sp_ppinCamposIndice (db_name(), @vchTabla, i.indid) + ', '
from sysobjects o, sysindexes i
where o.parent_obj = object_id(@vchTabla)
and o.xtype in ('PK','UQ')
and i.id = o.parent_obj
and o.name = i.name
Union all
-- Check constraints
select char(9) + 'Constraint ' + o.name + ' Check ' + c.text + ', '
from sysobjects o, syscomments c
where o.parent_obj = object_id(@vchTabla)
and o.xtype in ('C')
and o.id = c.id
Union all
-- Foreign keys
Select @foreign
Union all
Select ')'
Set nocount off
You forgot to include the stored procedure or function script for 'sp_ppinCamposIndice'