It seems like there are no guidelines on Ruby Gem package submission. There's no way to tell what is the definitive package for your needs. At least not within the Gem framework itself. Or am I missing something?
For example: I found out about "ActiveLDAP". I did
gem search ldap --remote
and got back
activeldap (1.0.2)
ambitious-activeldap (0.1.1)
ruby-activeldap (
ruby-activeldap-debug (0.7.4)
I ended up installing 'activeldap
' and 'ruby-activeldap
'. Turns out they're the same package: "ruby-activeldap" is just an older version.
Is there a way within the Gems framework to differentiate them, without having to Google for the answer. A short doc string, for example, or a dependency tree?
Seems like there are lots of these type of discrepancies in Gems.