Like Martin says, this would break assignment chaining.
The way ruby assignment methods are defined to work expands = 3
to the equivalent of (lambda { |v| MyClass.send('property=', v); v })[3]
(not really, but this shows how chaining works). The return value of the assignment is always the value assigned.
If you want to see the result of your MyClass#property=
method, then use #send
irb> o =
=> #<Object:0x15270>
irb> def o.x=(y)
irb> @x = y+1
irb> puts "y = #{y}, @x = #@x"
irb> true
irb> end
=> nil
irb> def o.x
irb> puts "@x = #@x"
irb> @x
irb> end
=> nil
irb> o.x = 4
y = 4, @x = 5
=> 4
irb> o.x
@x = 5
=> 5
irb> o.send('x=', 3)
y = 3, @x = 4
=> true
However, the ruby way to do this is with exceptions - if something goes wrong during
the assignment, raise an exception. Then all invokers must handle it if something goes
wrong, unlike a return value, which can be easily ignored:
# continued from above...
irb> def o.x=(y)
irb> unless y.respond_to? :> and (y > 0 rescue false)
irb> raise ArgumentError, 'new value must be > 0', caller
irb> end
irb> @x = y + 1
irb> puts "y = #{y}, @x = #@x"
irb> end
=> nil
irb> o.x = 4
y = 4, @x = 5
=> 4
irb> o.x = 0
ArgumentError: new value must be > 0
from (irb):12
from :0
irb> o.x = "3"
ArgumentError: new value must be > 0
from (irb):13
from :0
irb> o.x
@x = 5
=> 5