




I need an edit-in-place plugin for jQuery but there are quite some around. I've been testing jeditable ( but it lacks some basic options (like hover effect). I also found JEIP ( which has recently been developed but comes with much more settings.

Which plugin do you prefer for edit-in-place functionality?

+6  A: 

I've been using Editable in testing. We haven't rolled live with it, but it does what we need so far.

edit: thank you for pointing out the new link, adding it to the answer

the correct link is Editable Corrected

Jeremy B.
**Pros:** Flexible. Good documentation
Eduardo Molteni
Coming along later, this is a bad link ...
Working link:
Vebjorn Ljosa
+3  A: 

I am testing

Looks simple, and i like the hoover effect.

+1  A: 

Still playing with this, but so far so good:

**Pros:** button to edit, save or cancel. Minimalistic editor. **Cons:** less flexible than others
Eduardo Molteni
+8  A: 

Jeditable is pretty flexible. You specify whether you want a input, text area, or select list as the edit control.

David Robbins
**Pros:** very flexible, multiple options to change the editors, and the way to save. Good to edit multiple items in the page, because use the element id in the post function
Eduardo Molteni
**Pros:** Author is in StackOverflow
Eduardo Molteni
jeditable seems more 'mature' than the google code in-place-editor and it is pretty feature complete.
+1  A: 

Main negative with most of these is they seem to post directly to the server when you change a single field. Are there any that let you send up the entire page of fields at once or do you have to hack them to save to hidden fields?

You can, on jEditable, specify an additional amount of JSON-encoded data, which can be relative to the element in question using $(this).
Christian Mann

I say ..jquery-in-place-editor ( is easy to code and flexible


sorry, jquery-in-place-editor is not that flexible. its a good start but using it with rails (i guess with other languages/frameworks to) is a pain.

you can't change the request type (its always POST). you cant dynamicly change the params (you can specify a string but only on initialisation NOT when you submitting the form)

i had to modify it a lot to do sth like:

$(".component_header span").each(function(){
        var $that = $(this)
            url: "/components/""_")[1]+".js",       
            params: function () {
                var value = $that.find('.inplace_field').val()
                return {"component": { name: value }, authenticity_token: FORM_TOKEN }
            type: "PUT"

i'am almost happy with that, but there are some other issues (error handling) i will work on that before i put my app to public.

unfortunatly the code is on google code, so couldn't fork it...
