
Any ideas on how to make edit-in-place degradable?

I'm currently writing an edit-in-place script for MooTools and I'm a little stumped as to how I can make it degrade gracefully without JavaScript while still having some functionality. I would like to use progressive enhancement in some way. I'm not looking for code, but more a concept as to how one would approach the situation. If you h...

Edit in Place Update Script Security

I'm using an Edit in Place jquery plugin which needs to post the data to a script that will do the actual database update. The URL to this update script is easily viewable in the html source as well as with Firebug, so I need to add some sort of authentication check before the update is processed. This is of course so the user can't jus...

Drag drop block edit in place html

I required to write a small web application that allow customer to select predefined layout template in html and be able to modify it. The application need to allow customer to add block text to pre defined area and images. The block texts need to be able to reorder based on customer need. eg. move up , move down or move to sidebar. THe ...

How do you make an HTML document writable in the browser?

Lest my question is not clear; I don't mean dynamically replacing nodes with . I mean editing each and all text directly - including headers, text in and and yes editing tables. I know this is possible in IE and I have a script which switches between editable and back which works in IE, but that doesn't work in FireFox. Is there any w...

how to remove 'another in place editor' from a field (jQuery inplace.js plugin)

I am able to set up the inplace editor no problem, everything works great, but I haven't found a way to remove it once it is attached to a field, anyone know how? I am talking about this plugin here: http://www.davehauenstein.com/code/jquery-edit-in-place/ ...

What's the best edit-in-place plugin for jQuery?

Hi, I need an edit-in-place plugin for jQuery but there are quite some around. I've been testing jeditable (http://www.appelsiini.net/projects/jeditable) but it lacks some basic options (like hover effect). I also found JEIP (http://josephscott.org/code/javascript/jquery-edit-in-place/) which has recently been developed but comes with m...

jQuery edit in place plugin that allows you to trigger editing from another element

Right now I'm using Jeditable for edit-in-place functionality. Jeditable has some nice options, but (as far as I know), it doesn't allow you to trigger editing except by clicking the element in question. I.e., suppose my element has id comment. With Jeditable, the only way to start editing is to click comment. What I'd like is to put so...

authlogic and ajax in place editing with rails, also routing issues

I'm trying to use Authlogic to protect some in place editor fields I have on a page. I've protected all the methods in my controller, but it looks like in_place_editor is calling some weird generated stuff that doesn't even show up in my routes, like "/quotes/set_quote_text/1". Number one is there a site that tells more about these "secr...

edit-in-place jquery

Hey I use edit-in-place plugin: http://arashkarimzadeh.com/jquery/7-editable-jquery-plugin.html I't works Great! I just need something to check if the new text is empty. If it is we have to go back and show some error alert. The code: $('.name').editable({ submit:'Gem', cancel:'Fortryd', ...

[jquery] editableText plugin enabling problem

Hi, I've been experimenting with this plugin http://valums.com/edit-in-place/, so far so good... But i ran into this problem. I want to update my page when update or new request to save data is sent but if i update this function(edit-in-place) it will add second set of buttons, third, fourth and so on. How could i tell it that it would u...

Use jQuery to create edit in place div and have new div available for edit just beneath it

I'm new to jQuery and would like to know if it is possible to create and edit-in-place div that I can click on, type some text, have it save and immediately have another div dynamically pop up beneath it that will allow the same capability to type in and save, so on and so forth. If anyone has any ideas it would be greatly appreciated. ...

How to do edit-in-place in a UITableView?

Is there a standard way to set up a table to allow editing-in-place, kind of like this: http://www.gtp.com.au/gtpicommerce/images/iphone4.jpg I only need editable text at the moment, but I might need UISwitches or UISliders in the future. ...

How can I use edit_in_place on three different models from a View for a model those three belong_to?

I have a model called Campaign. In the controller, I do the following to list, in order, the three Models that belong_to a Campaign: <% @campaign_events = campaign_events %> <% @campaign_events.each do |campaign_event| %> <% model_name = campaign_event.class.name.tableize.singularize %> <p> <%= link_to campaign_event.ti...

Multiple TinyMCE editors, but only one toolbar?

Hello there. I've looked around the forum, but cannot seem to find a definite answer to this problem... I'm using jQuery and TinyMCE on our website. I've gone through the docs of TinyMCE, but am still getting lost I'm afraid. We're doing an interface that requires edit-in-place in multiple places in the page. The only thing is, each of ...

Creating multi-field in-place editor with JavaScript/JQuery

I am looking for a way to create an in-place editor in JavaScript like JEditable or similar plugins. However, the difference is that my editor would be a multi-field form rather than single field. Since the same form will be used in different parts, i.e. editing existing items and creating new items, I would like to be able to specify t...

Special characters decoded in my textarea (using an edit in place jQuery plugin)

Hi everybody, I'm trying tu use Jeditable to edit inline some content put in textareas. So, I call the script files: <script src="js/jquery.jeditable.js"></script> <script src="js/jquery.jeditable.autogrow.js"></script> <script src="js/jquery.autogrow.js"></script> Then I have a function that sould send data to the server (I kept the...

How can I make a Jeditable (jQuery) span activate editing on more than one event?

For the jQuery extension Jeditable, one of the parameters that can be specified is which DOM event will turn a div/span/... into a text input/textarea/... I would like to have more than one event serve as a trigger; that is, I would like either a click event or a contextmenu event to turn a span into an in-place edit area. Is there a g...

Using variables and functions in an object literal

Hi, I am doing my head in trying to get the ckeip jquery plugin to parse the id of my textarea to my php file. The plugin is activated by the class name of my textarea: $('.ckeip_edit').ckeip({ And then data is passed to my php file with an object literal: data: { name1 : 'value1', name2 : 'value2' }, I need to use the ...

What is my document onLoad hander in Rails?

I want to use a plugin to make most of my models inline editable, but I don't understand the following: To use it, include jquery.rest_in_place.js in your template and execute the following in your document’s onLoad handler: jQuery(".rest_in_place").rest_in_place(); http://jan.varwig.org/projects/rest-in-place Where do ...

How do I make a table with dynamic models editable-in-place in Rails?

This is the view of a table that I have: <% @campaign_events.each do |campaign_event| %> <% model_name = campaign_event.class.name.tableize.singularize %> <tr class="<%= cycle('oddrow','evenrow') %>"> <td><%= link_to campaign_event.title, send("#{model_name}_path", campaign_event) %></td> <td><span class='model_name'><...