



As a companion to Hidden features of Ruby.

Try to keep it to Rails since the other is a better place for Ruby-specific examples. One per post please.

+5  A: 

I'll start with one of my favorites. When calling a partial with a collection, instead of looping through your collection and calling it for each item, you can use this:

render :partial => 'items', :collection => @items

This will call the partial once per item, and pass a local variable item each time. You don't have to worry about nil checking @items either.

+7  A: 

Rails 2.3.x now allows you to do:

render @items

much simpler..

nice one! we haven't been playing with 2.3 much - we're waiting for 3.0 at railsconf
To clarify: That will render a partial named 'items'?
Matt Grande
@Matt, yes - I was following on from the previous example, which used a collection named @items. Obviously, the view needs to be correctly named for this magic to work.
With this syntax, doesn't rails look for the partial with the singularized name? e.g. "_item.html.erb"
+9  A: 

integer.ordinalize is one little method that I just stumbled upon not to long ago.

1.ordinalize = "1st"
3.ordinalize = "3rd"
Dan Frade
+4  A: 

If you add routing for a resource:

ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|
  map.resources :maps

And register additional mime-types:

Mime::Type.register 'application/', :kml

You don't need a respond_to block in your controller to serve these additional types. Instead, just create views for the specific types, for example 'show.kml.builder' or 'index.kml.erb'. Rails will render these type-specific templates when requests for '/maps.kml' or '/maps/1.kml' are received, setting the response type appropriately.

+8  A: 

If you have a model with some class methods and some named scopes:

class Animal < ActiveRecord::Base
  named_scope 'nocturnal', :conditions => {'nocturnal' => true}
  named_scope 'carnivorous', :conditions => {'vegetarian' => true}

  def self.feed_all_with(food)
    self.all.each do |animal|

Then you can call the class methods through the named scope:

if night_time?
+7  A: 

You can take advantage of the fact that Ruby class definitions are active and that Rails caches classes in the production environment, to ensure that constant data is only fetched from the database when your application starts up.

For example, for a model that represents countries you'd define a constant that performs a Country.all query when the class is loaded:

class Country < ActiveRecord::Base
  COUNTRIES = self.all

You can use this constant within a view template (perhaps within a select helper) by referring to Country::COUNTRIES. For example:

<%= select_tag(:country, options_for_select(Country::COUNTRIES)) %>
John Topley
+7  A: 

To see a list of gems that are installed, you can run:

gem server

Then point your browser at:


You get a nicely formatted list of your gems with links to rdoc, the web and any dependencies. Much nicer than:

gem list
+1. Nice and neat! I used to play around with "gem search -l", this is definitely a better option.
This one is not Rails specific, is it? Just pointing out because you mentioned the other, Ruby-related thread, in your question.
Milan Novota
+6  A: 

in your environment.rb, you can define new date/time formats e.g.

[Time::DATE_FORMATS, Date::DATE_FORMATS].each do |obj|
  obj[:dots] = "%m.%d.%y"

so then in your views you can use:

Created: <%= @my_object.created_at.to_s(:dots) %>

which will print like:

Created: 06.21.09
This one is great !
+14  A: 

To avoid duplicate form submissions, Rails has a nice option for submit tags:

submit_tag "Submit", :disable_with => "Saving..."

This adds behavior to the submit button to disable it once clicked, and to display "Saving..." instead of "Submit".

Jo Hund
One of my favourites, though I've found that it breaks some javascript validators somehow.
Matt Grande
if you are using ajax for the submission, does it re-enable it?
Really cool! Didn't know that
Jaco Pretorius
+1  A: 
ActionView::Base.default_form_builder = MyFormBuilderClass

Very useful when you're creating your own form builders. A much better alternative to manually passing :builder, either in your views or in your own custom_form_for helper.

August Lilleaas
+7  A: 

I'm currently in love with div_for and content_tag_for

<% div_for(@comment) do %>
  <!-- code to display your comment -->
<% end %>

The above code renders this:

<div id="comment_123" class="comment">
  <!-- code to display your comment -->

Want the CSS class to be comment other_class? No problem:

<% div_for(@comment, :class => 'other_class') do %>
  <!-- code to display your comment -->
<% end %>

Want a span and not a div? No problem, content_tag_for to the rescue!

<% content_tag_for(:span, @comment) %>
<% end %>

# Becomes...

<span id="comment_123" class="comment">
  <!-- code to display your comment -->

content_tag_for is also great if you want to prefix you id. I use it for loading gifs.

<% content_tag_for(:span, @comment, 'loading') %>
  <%= image_tag 'loading.gif' -%>
<% end %>

# Becomes...

<span id="loading_comment_123" class="comment">
  <img src="loading.gif" />
Matt Grande
+1  A: 

The returning block is a great way to return values:

def returns_a_hash(id)
  returning do |result|
   result["id"] = id

Will return a hash. You can substitute any other types as well.

don't like it at all! it's not clear what it's returning at the end. it's been avoided in rails 3 refactoring.
Allen Bargi
that's too bad - i always thought it was pretty cool.
+1  A: 

You can change the behaviour of a model for your test suite. Say you have some after_save method defined and you do not want it to happen in your unit tests. This is how it works:

# models/person.rb
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base

  def after_save
    # do something useful


# test/unit/person_test.rb
require 'test_helper'

class PersonTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase

  class ::Person
    def after_save
      # do nothing

  test "something interesting" do
    # ...