Is there a version of putty that has a transparent background with opaque text? If not is there a way to do this?
Google is our friend:
I havn't seen it avaiable in any versions of Putty.
But you can achive this by using Console 2 in combination with Cygwin.
Set your cygwin.bat to your shell in Console2.
Turn on transparency in the Console 2 config, and then just use ssh tools in cygwin as normal.
You can also use cygwin's rxvt and turn on transparency without having to be inside cygwin's X11.
I have found the solution. Windows XP and below do not provide the functionality to do so, however someone from Japan wrote a patch for Putty to allow for aero and alpha background transparency. I believe it may be hardcoded in for Vista use only however because I can't get it to work with my Windows 7 boxes, and I refuse to use vista :). If you can help me out with this minor problem I would appreciate it.
Putty Tray does what you want, I think. Check it out, it's pretty nice.
Ibrahim, I confirm that PuTTy Tray does transparency. Under "Window" settings you got "Window transparency options", just lower value from 255 to get transparent window in PuTTy. It's best solution, because it behaves like PuTTy + you got some nice settings to play with :)
There's a program named ZOC SSH Terminal that can have a partially transparent window (it has about the same features as SecureCRT, is commercial also).
I use msys which works nicely with Console2. For example, when you install Git for Windows using the msys git distribution, ssh is installed as well (git+ssh:). Then the only step is to setup a new tab in console2 using the Git Bash shortcut call (see the menu entry property for the full cmd call).