



I'm trying to design a Form class in PHP. So far, I have the <input> buttons pretty well working. But the <select> boxes have me stymied. I'm trying to figure out a "generic" way of adding the <option> tags, and am lacking the creativity.

I'm not asking for teh codez, but implementation ideas are welcome.

+4  A: 

This is my implementation of it from my bare-bones framework that I use in super simple projects:

function select($name, $options = array(), $attrs = array(), $showEmpty = false) {
    $attrs['name'] = $name;
    $attrs['class'] = isset($attrs['class']) ? $attrs['class'] . ' input' : 'input';
    if(isset($this->validation->invalid[$name])) {
        $attrs['class'] .= ' errorinput';
    $opts = array();
    foreach($attrs as $key => $value) {
        $opts[] = $key . '="' . $value . '"';   
    $htmloptions = array();
    $hasSelected = false;
    foreach($options as $option => $value) {
        if(isset($this->validation->post[$name]) && $this->validation->post[$name] == $option) {
            $hasSelected = true;
            $htmloptions[] = '<option value="' . $option . '" selected>' . $value;  
        } else {
            $htmloptions[] = '<option value="' . $option . '">' . $value;       
    if($showEmpty) {
        $emptyoption = '<option value=""' . (($hasSelected) ? '' : ' selected') . '>';
        $htmloptions = array_merge($emptyoption, $htmloptions);
    return '<select ' . implode(' ', $opts) . '>' . implode("\n", $htmloptions) . '</select>';
Paolo Bergantino
I actually ended up using something similar to this, but modified for our needs. Thanks!

Heres some function I made some while ago.

function formLabel($id, $text, $attr = array(), $escape = true) {
    $attr['for'] = $id;
    return htmlElement('label', $text, $attr, true, $escape);

function formSelect($name, $selected, $options, $attr = array(), $escape = true) {
    $attr['name'] = $name;
    if (!isset($attr['id'])) {
     $attr['id'] = $name;
    $options = formSelectOptions($selected, $options, $escape);
    return htmlElement('select', $options, $attr, true, false);

function formSelectOptions($selected = null, $options, $escape = true) {
    if ($escape) {
     $options = escape($options);
    array_walk($options, 'formSelectOption', $selected);
    return implode('', $options);

function formSelectOption(&$value, $key, $selected)  {
    if (is_array($value)) {
     $attr['label'] = $key;
     array_walk($value, 'formSelectOption', $selected);
     $value = htmlElement('optgroup', implode('', $value), $attr, true, false);
    } else {
     $attr['value'] = $key;
     if (($selected == $key) &&
      (0 === strcmp($selected, $key)) && 
      ($selected !== null)) {
      $attr['selected'] = 'selected';
     $value = htmlElement('option', $value, $attr, true, false);

function escape($val) {
    if (is_array($val)) {
     return array_map('escape', $val);
    return htmlspecialchars($val, ENT_QUOTES);

function htmlElement($tag, $value, $attr = null, $end = true, $escape = true) {
    if (!is_array($attr)) {
     $attr = array();
    if ($escape) {
     $value = htmlspecialchars($value);
    return "<$tag" . (!empty($attr) ? ' ' : '') . arrayToAttributes($attr) . ($end ? '' : '/') . '>' . $value . ($end ? "</$tag>" : '');

function arrayToAttributes($attr) {
    array_walk($attr, '_arrayToAttributes');
    return implode(' ', $attr);
function _arrayToAttributes(&$v, $k) {
     $k = escape($k);
     $t = escape($v);
     $v = "$k=\"$t\"";

Some tests

$arr = array('hoi', 'wee', 'hai', 'Sub' => array('Hi' => 'Hi', 'Lo' => 'Lo'));
echo '<p>', formSelect('aaaa', null, $arr), "</p>\n";
echo '<p>', formSelect('ccc', 'Hi', $arr), "</p>\n";
echo '<p>', formLabel('hello', 'Hello'), ': ', formSelect('hello', 1, $arr), "</p>\n";
$months = array (1 => 'Januar',
'Februar', 'Mars', 'April', 'Mai',
'Juni', 'Juli', 'August', 'September',
'Oktober', 'November', 'Desember');
echo formLabel('month', 'Month'), ': ', formSelect('month', null, $months), "\n";
echo formLabel('month2', 'Month'), ': ', formSelect('month2', 4, $months), "\n";
function array_drop_down($name, $display_fields, $id_fields, $selected_display_field, $misc = ''){
 $array_dd_html = '<select name="'.$name.'" '.$misc.'>';

 for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($id_fields); $i++){
  if($selected_display_field == $display_fields[$i]){
   $array_dd_html.= '<option selected="yes" value="'.$id_fields[$i].'">'.$display_fields[$i].'</option>';
   $array_dd_html.= '<option value="'.$id_fields[$i].'">'.$display_fields[$i].'</option>';

 $array_dd_html.= '</select>';

 return $array_dd_html;

function sql_drop_down($sql_statement, $name, $display_field, $id_field, $selected_field='',$selected_value='', $misc = ''){
 $result = mysql_query($sql_statement);  
 $numOfCols = mysql_num_rows($result);
 $select_html = '<select name="'.$name.'"'. $misc.'>';
 if($numOfCols > 0){
  for($i = 0; $i < $numOfCols; $i++)
   $id = mysql_result($result, $i, $id_field);
   $display = mysql_result($result, $i, $display_field);
   if($selected_value == $id){
    $select_html.= '<option selected="yes" value="'.$id.'">'.$display.'</option>';
    $select_html.= '<option value="'.$id.'">'.$display.'</option>';
  $select_html.= '</select>';
  $select_html = "Error Occured...";
 return $select_html;

Use the $misc variable to pass in CSS, id's, javascript or whatever else
