Does anybody know of anything that exists in the Java world to map midi note numbers to specific note names and octave numbers. For example, see the reference table:
I want to map a midi note number 60 to it's corresponding note name (MiddleC) in octave 4. I could write a utility class/enum for this, but it would be rather tedious. Does anybody know of anything?
I'm specifically using this to write a Tenori-On/Monome clone in Java, so far so good...
This was what I ended up using:
String[] noteString = new String[] { "C", "C#", "D", "D#", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "G#", "A", "A#", "B" };
int octave = (initialNote / 12) - 1;
int noteIndex = (initialNote % 12);
String note = noteString[noteIndex];