I have a stories text field and want to show the first few lines say the first 50 words of that field in a snapshot page.In ruby(on rails) How do i do that??
Assuming your words are delimited by a space, you can do something like this.
stories.split(' ').slice(0,50).join(' ')
Aaron Hinni
2009-04-03 14:36:42
Mostly the same as Aaron Hinni's answer, but will try and keep 3 full sentences (then truncate to 50 words, if it's the sentences were too long)
def truncate(text, max_sentences = 3, max_words = 50)
# Take first 3 setences (blah. blah. blah)
three_sentences = text.split('. ').slice(0, max_sentences).join('. ')
# Take first 50 words of the above
shortened = three_sentences.split(' ').slice(0, max_words).join(' ')
return shortened # bah, explicit return is evil
Also, if this text has any HTML, my answer on "Truncate Markdown?" might be of use
2009-04-03 15:11:13
I give +1 for this, good idea ;-)
Aaron Hinni
2009-04-03 17:42:57
In use something very similar in a Rails application to extend ("monkey patch") the base String class.
I created lib/core_extensions.rb
which contains:
class String
def to_blurb(word_count = 30)
self.split(" ").slice(0, word_count).join(" ")
I then created config/initializers/load_extensions.rb
which contains:
require 'core_extensions'
Now I have the to_blurb()
method on all my String objects in the Rails application.
2009-09-28 05:22:26