



With all the URL-handling objects lying around in the standard Cocoa libraries (NSURL, NSMutableURL, NSMutableURLRequest, etc), I know I must be overlooking an easy way to programmatically compose a GET request.

Currently I'm manually appending "?" followed by name value pairs joined by "&", but all of my name and value pairs need to be manually encoded so NSMutableURLRequest doesn't fail entirely when it tries to connect to the URL.

This feels like something I should be able to use a pre-baked API for.... is there anything out of the box to append an NSDictionary of query parameters to an NSURL? Is there another way I should approach this?

+9  A: 

You can create a category for NSDictionary to do this -- there isn't a standard way in the Cocoa library that I could find either. The code that I use looks like this:

// file "NSDictionary+UrlEncoding.h"
#import <cocoa/cocoa.h>

@interface NSDictionary (UrlEncoding)

-(NSString*) urlEncodedString;


with this implementation:

// file "NSDictionary+UrlEncoding.m"
#import "NSDictionary+UrlEncoding.h"

// helper function: get the string form of any object
static NSString *toString(id object) {
  return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@", object];

// helper function: get the url encoded string form of any object
static NSString *urlEncode(id object) {
  NSString *string = toString(object);
  return [string stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];

@implementation NSDictionary (UrlEncoding)

-(NSString*) urlEncodedString {
  NSMutableArray *parts = [NSMutableArray array];
  for (id key in self) {
    id value = [self objectForKey: key];
    NSString *part = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@=%@", urlEncode(key), urlEncode(value)];
    [parts addObject: part];
  return [parts componentsJoinedByString: @"&"];


I think the code's pretty straightforward, but I discuss it in some more detail at

Don McCaughey