Hello! I am a JavaScript newbie and I am experiencing the following problem:
I would write JS code in a separate file, include the file in the html code. JS code runs great. No problems. I would go ahead and make some changes to the JS code, click 'refresh' in the browser window and sometimes there is a problem. The changes I have made to the JS code have messed things up. The code doesn't work the way it's supposed. So I start looking for the problem, but the code is perfectly fine. So I clear the browser's cache - still nothing. I undo the changes to JS code, everything works. I put the new code back in - after a few 'refresh' clicks - all of a sudden it works. I am having this problem using Safari 4, Firefox 2.0. I have not tried a different browser.
My question is - Do I have to disable browser caching using some JS technique or simply from the browser or there is a different problem? Thank you for your time and help!