What are the advantages and disadvantages of self-hosting something like a svn repository? All links and ideas are appreciated.
Off the top of my head:
Advantages of Self-hosting
- Flexibility. On my own machine I can install whatever I want. If I would like to use a vcs like Bazaar and use Loggerhead instead of Trac, then right now there isn't really much choice beyond Launchpad, which has its warts
- Save money. Costs add up over time especially for large teams
- The free plans offered by sites like Assembla are not private. Anybody can have access to your code
Advantages of Paid hosting (ie: GitHub, Assembla, Google Code)
- Robustness. You don't need to worry about your server catching fire because it's become somebody else's problem.
- Less hassle. Don't need to be do all the system administration and tweaking of conf files. Instead you can just focus on the coding