My plugin has to write to the eclipse console - for testing purpose I simplified my code, so that I only have the following:
public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
plugin = this;
System.out.println("Tecomp Plugin is running");
MessageConsole myConsole = new MessageConsole("My Console", null);
ConsolePlugin.getDefault().getConsoleManager().addConsoles(new IConsole[]{ myConsole });
final MessageConsoleStream stream = myConsole.newMessageStream();
stream.println("Hi there!");
It's a simple plugin, the method start belogs to the class extending AbstractUIPlugin - it't no rcp application. Code works fine inside the runtime workbench - once the plugin is installed, the output gets lost somewhere. The rest of the plugin is working properly.
Is there perhaps a problem with the ConsolePlugin? Or are streams handled differently in the runtime workbench and the development workbench?
I tried both - a feature project and directly copying the plugin jar to the eclipse directory - for installing the plugin - same result for both...
Any help is welcome, because I'm struggeling with that problem for a while now...
Regards, Kathi
it doesn't seem to be a problem of the Console... I provided my own view for printing the output, but although declard in the plugin.xml there is no view after installing the plugin... here is what I did: -export the plugin with the ExportWizard into a jar-archive -copied this archive to /usr/share/eclipse/plugins -restarted eclipse
or with a feature project: -exported the feature-project containing my plugin with the ExportWizard -removed the above jar archive from the eclipse dir -installed the feature -restarted eclipse
both didn't word - did I get something wrong with installing the plugin? The jar-archive is ok, I checked it - it's the latest version. But somehow it seems that eclipse is still working with some older plugin without the changes I made
regards, Kathi
I implemented the IStartup Interface end extended the org.eclipse.ui.startup point, but nothing changed... I really thinks it's an installation problem somehow. I commented out some output but it's still printed to the debug console. Is there some sort of plugin cache in eclipse? So that the new code doesn't get read?
Thanks for the suggestions, but starting eclipse with the -clean option didn't help - I'll try to install the plugin in some other environment next week - perhaps there is something wrong with mine...