



I've got a small project which, when run in the Eclipse debugger, always seems to stop in FileInputStream.class line 106, where files are opened. There are no breakpoints set, but Eclipse behaves exactly as if I have a breakpoint here. If I clear all breakpoints, it still happens.

I have a second much-larger project in the same Eclipse workspace which does not suffer from this problem.

I just moved the smaller project off of my old Linux machine, where I developed it in Europa Eclipse and had this problem, onto my new Windows machine, where I continue to see the problem in Ganymede Eclipse. The problem persists across operating systems and across Eclipse versions, yet apparently not across projects. I don't get it! I grepped through every file in this project's directory and couldn't find anything that might be a file somehow directing Eclipse to stop in FileInputStream.

Further info: the apparent breakpoint is actually not for line 106 of FileInputStream; it appears to be an Exception breakpoint for FileNotFoundException, being thrown from native code called from that line in FileInputStream. But again, I don't appear to have any breakpoints set at all. Are Exception breakpoints defined somewhere else?

+10  A: 
That did it! Thank you! Now why does Eclipse even work this way?
It helps detecting those unchecked runtime exception that are uncaught by your code.

Hi, I got the same problem, but it didn't resolve the problem when I un-select "Suspend execution on uncaught exceptions" anyone got any more idea fixing this. Thanks

P.s: My debugger just stop at an assignment line (very simple one). I'm using Ganymede.

tommy le