



Is there any form of version control for Linden Scripting Language?

I can't see it being worth putting all the effort into programming something in Second Life if when a database goes down over there I lose all of my hard work.


Can you save it to a file? If so then you can use just about anything, SVN, Git, VSS...

Well of course you can copy and paste it to a file, the code I mean, but what about the 3D objects that you attach the code to? I'm talking about backing up the whole entire thing, code, models and all.

There is no good source control in game. I keep meticulous version information on the names of my scripts and I have a pile of old versions of things in folders.

I keep my source out of game for the most part and use SVN. LSLEditor is a decent app for working with the scripts and if you create a solution with objects, it can emulate alot of the in game environment. (Giving Objects, reading notecards etc.) link text

+2  A: 

Unfortunately there is no source control in-world. I would agree with giggy. I am currently moving my projects over to a Subversion (SVN) system to get them under control. Really should have done this a while ago.

There are many free & paid SVN services available on the net.

Just two free examples:

You also have the option to set one up locally so you have more control over it.

Do a search on here for 'subversion' or 'svn' to learn more about how to set one up.

[edit 5/18/09]
You added in a comment you want to backup entire objects. There are various programs to do that. One I came across in a quick Google search was: Second Inventory
I cannot recommend this or any other program as I have not used them. But that should give you a start.


You the man @cyberbill! Thanks! :)
$20 an't bad for that. L5999/300 = $20.00

I personally keep any code snippets that I feel are worth keeping around on (

Git is a very good source code manager for LSL since its commits work line-by-line, unlike other SCM's such as Subversion or CVS. The reason this is so crucial is due to the fact that most Second Life scripts live in ONE FILE (since they can't call each other... grrr). So having the comparison done on the file level is not nearly as effective. Comparing line by line is perfect for LSL. With that said, it also (alike SourceForge and Google Code) allows you to make your code publicly viewable (if you so choose) and available for download in a compressed file for easier distribution.

+1  A: 

You can use Meerkat viewer to backupt complete objects. or use some of the test programas of libopenmetaverse to backup in a text environment. I think you can backup scripts from the inventory with them.

Meerkat object backup does not extend to the object's contents, unfortunately. Meerkat does have "Save to disk" and "Load from disk" options in the script editor, but you have to do each file individually.Batch import/export using libopenmetaverse also seems to be not quite there. I've been poking at the Test Client and even talked with the developer who sponsored a bounty to add the feature (Lex Neva), and learned that while individual script upload/download is now supported, there's not yet a free tool to sync a whole directory of scripts in SL inventory to your disk, or vice versa.