



I have run into a problem attempting to redispatch mouse events in ActionScript 3, which I am admittedly a bit incredulous about. I have narrowed it down to the MouseEvent.clone() method appearing, well, completely broken. The following event handler:

 private function handleMouseMove( evt : MouseEvent ) : void
     trace("mousemove", evt.stageX, evt.stageY);
     var newEvt : MouseEvent = evt.clone() as MouseEvent;
     trace("mousemoveclone", newEvt.stageX, newEvt.stageY);

Results in the following output, ad infinitum:

mousemove 167 206 
mousemoveclone 0 0

This matches what the code I was redispatching the MouseEvent to was receiving, hence my hypothesis of the broken clone function.

This is directly contradictory to what the linked documentation indicates should happen, unless I have missed something. I am at an entire loss as to what I did (or did not do) that could possibly cause this behavior. Did the AS3 guys really forget to read their own documents on Event.clone()?

I can work around this by instead using function objects for my specific use case, but I'd prefer not to. Any ideas?

Edit: The localX and localY members are being properly cloned it seems, which puts me at even more of a loss as to what is going on here.

+2  A: 

Thats a known bug. You can see the bug report here:

Everything else should get cloned though. You can always just assign stageX and stageY manually until the bug is fixed.

Alex Jillard
I just lost even more respect for Adobe for that bug now being almost a year old. Thanks for the link.
Not Sure
Yah, there are a few bugs like that. It doesn't affect many people, and the workaround is simple, so I guess they don't bother.
Alex Jillard
Not Sure

I realise this thread is 7 months dormant, but just to update this a bit - this is still active in FP10 and Flex4. It also happens if you redispatch the event. i.e.:

private function mouseListener( e:MouseEvent ):void
    dispatchEvent( e );

that dispatchEvent() call seems to be the equivalent of a clone(), so the stageX and stageY are set to 0
