



I am looking to download a file from a http url to a local file. The file is large enough that I want to download it and save it chunks rather than read() and write() the whole file as a single giant string.

The interface of urllib.urlretrieve is essentially what I want. However, I cannot see a way to set request headers when downloading via urllib.urlretrieve, which is something I need to do.

If I use urllib2, I can set request headers via its Request object. However, I don't see an API in urllib2 to download a file directly to a path on disk like urlretrieve. It seems that instead I will have to use a loop to iterate over the returned data in chunks, writing them to a file myself and checking when we are done.

What would be the best way to build a function that works like urllib.urlretrieve but allows request headers to be passed in?

+1  A: 

If you want to use urllib and urlretrieve, subclass urllib.URLopener and use its addheader() method to adjust the headers (ie: addheader('Accept', 'sound/basic'), which I'm pulling from the docstring for urllib.addheader).

To install your URLopener for use by urllib, see the example in the urllib._urlopener section of the docs (note the underscore):

import urllib

class MyURLopener(urllib.URLopener):
    pass # your override here, perhaps to __init__

urllib._urlopener = MyURLopener

However, you'll be pleased to hear wrt your comment to the question comments, reading an empty string from read() is indeed the signal to stop. This is how urlretrieve handles when to stop, for example. TCP/IP and sockets abstract the reading process, blocking waiting for additional data unless the connection on the other end is EOF and closed, in which case read()ing from connection returns an empty string. An empty string means there is no data trickling in... you don't have to worry about ordered packet re-assembly as that has all been handled for you. If that's your concern for urllib2, I think you can safely use it.

Jarret Hardie

What is the harm in writing your own function using urllib2?

import os
import sys
import urllib2

def urlretrieve(urlfile, fpath):
    chunk = 4096
    f = open(fpath, "w")
    while 1:
        data =
        if not data:
            print "done."
        print "Read %s bytes"%len(data)

urlretrieve(urllib2.urlopen(""), "d:\\del.html")
Anurag Uniyal