




If we develop a site with SEO compatible, is it possible to use Session Variables? If not what is the alternative? Thanks many. Best regards.


No, you should refrain from doing that. It really depends on what you are planing to do. A little more information would be helpfull

What answer is this? or is it only me who dint understand both the question and this answer?
+1  A: 

A search engine indexes pages on your site based on their URLs. If your URLs are not dependent on the unique Session ID assigned to every request, then a spider should not have a problem indexing your site.

That said, the content of your pages also matters. If the page content relies heavily on Session variables (or Viewstate params), you might have a problem getting that page indexed. The best way is to have unique and static URLs for each section of your site.

Thanks. It's now very very clear for me. Best regards.
But one more question: does Search Engine create a session while page indexing?
You're welcome, Yusuf! :-)
Sessions are created by a Server when serving requests. Search engine bots operate just like normal users in that respect.
That's all... Best regards, Cerebrus.
In case you may not be aware of this (since you're new here), you should accept the most suitable answer after your issue has been suitably addressed. Of course, you might want to wait for further answers. ;-)
+1  A: 

You should use cookies, because they are machine dependent. Session identifiers in the URL are very unsave (session-stealing), because you loose your session if you send the url to somebody.

Martin K.

I agree with Cerebrus. Just make sure that

  • You have unique and static URLs. If you don't have unique urls you will loose the links to that page.
  • You have the same title for all states of a page
  • You target the same keywords for all states of a page

Session variables can be passed in a HTTP request as a cookie, a POST variable, or in the URL.

Search engines do not support cookies or POST variables, and it they try to avoid pages with session variables in the URL.

You can use cookie or POST based session tracking for your users, but be aware that requests from search engines will always appear as the start of a new session.
