



I'm new to Struts 2 and I've come across this syntax (recommended in the tutorial).

<action name="Register_*" method="{1}" class="Register">
    <result name="input">/member/Register.jsp</result>
    <result type="redirectAction">Menu</result>

I understand that it calls Register.{1} method. The problem is a user could put in another (random) value and cause a 500 error (which would correctly be logged as an error).

How can this be prevented?

+1  A: 

First of all it won't call the Register.{1} method. It would call Register_{1} where {1} might be an action type (usually edit, show e.t.c)

Meaning that the URL is actually


So if a user manually changes the URL to something that is not there such as


then struts 2 will return an error.

But why is this a problem? In any web application that uses any technology if the user tampers manually with the URL an error will be returned (also the 404)

What are you trying to prevent exactly?


To prevent 500 errors you can catch all actions (that do not match any rule) and redirect them in an error page. See the "Wildcard Default" default paragraph at the struts 2 wiki

This must be at the end of the struts configuration

Register_invalidMethod.action returns a 500 error, not a 404. java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:Register.invalidMethod()I would like to try to prevent any "500" internal errors being triggered by something like an invalid URL.I don't see how this syntax can be used in any serious web application.
Read some more about wildcards in struts documentation. There are many neat tricks that do a lot of things including what you want.
The problem is, it does match the first wildcard and hence will fall through to a 500 error. Do you think it's best to avoid this syntax altogether?
Well the wildcard is only useful if you have 4-5 type of actions (e.g add, view, delete, archive, delete). If you have 1 or 2 then you can just hardcode the names and avoid the wildcard all together (and catching everything else with the global rule at the bottom).
You also catch 500 errors at the application server level if that really concerns you.
+3  A: 

In my applications we use it like this:

  <action name="*/*" class="{1}Action" method="{2}">
       <interceptor-ref name="CustomAuthStack" />  
            <result name="input">/pages/error/denied.jsp</result>
            <result name="logout">/pages/error/denied.jsp</result>

            <!-- methods that come back to listing after processing -->
            <result name="remove" type="redirectAction">{1}/list</result>
            <result name="save"   type="redirectAction">{1}/list</result>
            <result name="enable"   type="redirectAction">{1}/list</result>



for slashes in action like myapp/users/list you must enable slashes in action with the

<constant name="struts.enable.SlashesInActionNames" value="true" />

in the strus.xml.

so now you have a standard:

action --> UserAction jsp -----> users/list.jsp

