



Dear all,

I try to use the Forms-Based authentication within an embedded Jetty 6.1.7 project.

That's why I need to serve servlets and html (login.html) under the same context to make authentication work. I don't want to secure the hole application since different context should need different roles. The jetty javadoc states that a ContextHandlerCollection can handle different handlers for one context but I don't get it to work. My sample ignoring the authentication stuff will not work, why?

ContextHandlerCollection contexts = new ContextHandlerCollection();

// serve html       
Context ctxADocs= new Context(contexts,"/ctxA",Context.SESSIONS);
ServletHolder ctxADocHolder= new ServletHolder();
ctxADocHolder.setInitParameter("dirAllowed", "false");    
ctxADocHolder.setServlet(new DefaultServlet());
ctxADocs.addServlet(ctxADocHolder, "/");   

// serve a sample servlet
Context ctxA = new Context(contexts,"/ctxA",Context.SESSIONS);  

ctxA.addServlet(new ServletHolder(new SessionDump()), "/sda");
ctxA.addServlet(new ServletHolder(new DefaultServlet()), "/");

contexts.setHandlers(new Handler[]{ctxA, ctxADocs});

// end of snippet

Any helpful thought is welcome!



+1  A: 

Use the web application descriptor:

Paste this in to your web.xml:




Without authentication this will hide everything but the login.html.

Eduard Wirch
Thanks, but it has to be embedded. I will refine my question.
+1  A: 

Finally I got it right, solution is to use latest jetty 6.1.12 rc2. I didn't check out what they changed - I'm just happy that it works now.
