I'm convinced from this presentation and other commentary here on the site that I need to learn to Unit Test. I also realize that there have been many questions about what unit testing is here. Each time I go to consider how it should be done in the application I am currently working on, I walk away confused. It is a xulrunner application application, and a lot of the logic is event-based - when a user clicks here, this action takes place.
Often the examples I see for testing are testing classes - they instantiate an object, give it mock data, then check the properties of the object afterward. That makes sense to me - but what about the non-object-oriented pieces?
This guy mentioned that GUI-based unit testing is difficult in most any testing framework, maybe that's the problem. The presentation linked above mentions that each test should only touch one class, one method at a time. That seems to rule out what I'm trying to do.
So the question - how does one unit testing procedural or event-based code? Provide a link to good documentation, or explain it yourself.
On a side note, I also have a challenge of not having found a testing framework that is set up to test xulrunner apps - it seems that the tools just aren't developed yet. I imagine this is more peripheral than my understanding the concepts, writing testable code, applying unit testing.